Celebrities Who Lost Their Lives Due to Depression

10 Celebrities Who Lost Their Lives Due to Depression

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The rate of depression and deaths that occurs due to depression nowadays is on the increase and the rate at which it is steadily rising is alarming.

Money and fame is no longer a cure to depression and even some of the well known people in the industry have ended up taking their own lives due to the kind of depression they felt and has overwhelmed them.

Some of these celebrities just decided that they had had enough and simply cannot go on anymore and despite all the money, fame and properties they had, they felt that it was no longer enough for them. It saddens us that these celebrities went the way they went and we feel that they deserved more in life.

This article is simply to show some of the known people who have taken their lives. There are still a lot of people who didn’t make this list who have also committed suicide and other thousands out there who take their own lives because of depression.

They include;

1. Chester Bennington

Chester Bennington
Photo by Kevin Nixon/Future/REX/Shutterstock (4462394cg)

Chester Bennington was a well known music legend. He was an American singer and song writer who was also known as the frontman of the band named Linkin Park. He had a successful career and a successful life as well.

But he lost all hope of living after losing his friend to suicide as well. He had decided to tragically take his own life shortly after he lost his close friend Cornell Chris who also took his own life at the age of 52.

Chester was only 41 years old when he was found dead in his home in Parle Verdes des Estates on June 20. He had committed suicide by hanging and he was found dead hanging from the ceiling. Chester has always been someone who had always wanted to take his life and he didn’t even try hide it. He had a history of depression and suicidal thoughts.

This wasn’t the first time that He had tried to take his own life and most unfortunately he was also a drunk who struggled to cope after his friend died but most unfortunately he could not and he decided to die the same way his friend did.

2. Jong-hyun Kim

Jong-hyun Kim

Kim Jong-hyun was a Korean pop star who was aged 27 years and he had decided to take his life Dec 18, 2017. He eventually gave in to depression having battled with it for quite a very long time. Although he had battled with it silently and on his own, he had lost the war.

He apparently left a suicidal note which read that he was broken from the inside before he died. He had also written in the suicidal note that depression had eaten him from the inside for a long time and had apparently defeated him.

He had also been open about his suicidal thoughts to his family. He had sent a note to his sister shortly before he died. The note read thus “It’s been too hard, please send me off. Tell everyone I have had a hard time and this is my last goodbye” of which shortly after that, he ended his life.

3. Lil Peep

Lil Peep

One of the uprising rappers in the industry also committed suicide from overdose. He had committed suicide from taking an overdose of drugs and he was found dead on the bus in Arizona just outside the Rock where he was scheduled to have a show.

The 21-year old rapper had killed himself on Nov 15, 2017. His death came as a rude shock to the music industry because he apparently had a bright and successful musical career ahead of him.

He had previously released his album titled “Come over when you are sober” in August.

4. Billy Knight

Billy Knight

Billy Knight was a former UCLA basketball player who had committed suicide on July 8,2018. He died at the age of 39. Just before he died, he posted a video on YouTube in which he said that he feels lost in life and he feels that there is no hope for him anymore.

He claimed that he had no one; no wife, no girlfriend and that he has nothing. He said he has nothing left for him and he just couldn’t continue life anymore.

Just before his death, precisely a month before, knight had been arrested and charged with a six-count charge of felonies for abusing a child sexually.

5. Tyler Honeycutt

Tyler Honeycutt

Tyler was a former NBA player who also had a promising career ahead of him. He had died at the young age of 27years after committing suicide after having a disagreement with the police on July 6,2018. Tyler’s mum had called the authorities when she found out that her son had a weird behaviour and had started acting erratically.

He had apparently engaged in a gunfire with the authorities after barricading himself in his home. However, hours later after the gunfire, SWAT team had entered his home and had found him dead after killing himself with a self inflicted gunshot wound.

6. Mark Salling

Mark Salling

Mark Salling who had acted in glee had died after he committed suicide. He was found dead in his home on the 30th of January 2018 after he was declared missing hours earlier.

Just 3 months earlier, he had plead guilty to the possession of child pornography and he was facing up to 7 years in Jail and shortly before that, his girlfriend had filed for a sexual harassment petition against him for forcing her to have unprotected sex with him which was against her consent.

His family had recounted that before that Mark was apparently depressed and had withdrawn from friends and family just before his death.

7. Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest was one of the best novelist of all time. He authored books such as “The old man and the sea” and “for whom the bell tolls “. He had began writing at the very tender age of 7 years and had started impacting lives. Even up till he died at the age of 77 years, Ernest never stopped impacting lives.

However despite all the fame, money and the amount of lives he had touched, Ernest still battled severely with depression. He was suffering from a severe form of depression although he did this in silence. As depressed as he was, he tried to drown himself in alcohol in order to forget his depression but it didn’t work for him.

Alongside his fame for writing books and novels, Ernest was also famous for his love for alcohol. Most of his fans and eyewitnesses had always seen him with one bottle of alcohol or the other. He eventually decided to end it all and he committed suicide bumpy shooting himself in the head.

8. Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

If you are a lover of art then its impossible not to know Vincent. He is the founder of impressionism in art. In fact, Vincent is one of the best painters in history. Alongside his fame in the art world, Vincent was also known to have a severe depression problem and most times, it was seen in his pictures.

His dark portraits were often a tell-tale of his depression despite the fact that he was known for painting portraits that showed nature. Aside from depression, he different from several ailments and disorders ranging from epilepsy to schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. He eventually decided to end his life by shooting himself.

9. Miguel Blesa De la Para

Miguel Blesa De la Para

Miguel was a Spanish banker and the chairman of the Spanish bank Caja Madrid from the year 1996-2009. In February 2017, Miguel was sentenced to six years in jail after investigations were completed and he was discovered to have been in connection with a widespread misuse of credit cards that belonged to his company during his tenure.

Miguel was said to have fallen deep into a state of depression after he was charged. Blesa was later found dead in his home on July 19 after he had apparently shot himself in the chest with a short gun.

10. Chris Cornell

Chris Cornell

Chris Cornell was a renowned song writer, musician and composer. He was well known for his very vast and extensive catalog as a song writer, and also his powerful vocal handling technique. He had even received a golden globe award nomination for his song titled ‘the keeper”.

He co-wrote and performed the song that was used a the theme song for the James bond movie titled Casino Royale. Above all these achievements and may more, Chris had battled depression almost all his life.

Alongside his battle with depression, he also suffered many addictions with drugs and alcohol. He was later found dead at his hotel room on May 18, 2017 where he was found dead by his body guard.

He had committed suicide by hanging himself as he was found on the floor with an exercise band around his neck and blood in his mouth. Cornell at this time was 52 years of age. Many other celebrities have battled depression and suicide and had lost the battle but you really don’t have to be one of them.

Depression does kill but you can make a choice not to let it kill you. Many other celebrities have also battled depression but yet won the fight. You can as well join the lot who battled and won. Don’t let depression push you into suicide, talk to someone today.

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