Traditional German clothing has a long history and differs widely from one region to another, dating back centuries.
Der Deutsche Ausdruck “Tracht” (Tradition) currently refers to historical or regional fashion that lies on traditional or historical styles of clothes and hairstyles.
What may appear to the layman as bizarre clothes follow a more or less rigorous tradition and rule of conduct.
However, this article lists the popular German traditional clothing in existence.
1. Lederhosen

Lederhosen is a famous traditional German clothing item. German men wear Lederhosen at various celebrations and events. It consists of knitted stockings and leather shoes with a cap.
However, Lederhosen comes in various lengths, including short, knickerbocker-style, and long enough to cover your ankles.
Over the shirt are H-shaped suspenders and a bib with deer horn buttons. Because of its popularity in Bavaria’s mountainous regions, the outfit has spread to the lowlands. There are at least six wide geographical varieties.
There are also several minor variations and local styles within each region.
2. Dirndl Dress

Several versions of the “Dirndl dress” originated in Bavaria’s Alpine region, but there are also local variations and traditions in Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Italy.
It is one of the famous traditional German clothing items. The traditional Dirndl has a tight bodice and a deep round or rectangular neckline.
An apron is worn over a wide skirt with a high waist and varied length. There are local and generic varieties, as well as excellent, straightforward, pricey models. It is a famous traditional costume for girls.
3. Black Forest Bollenhut

The Bollenhut dress is traditional German clothing. As the name implies, the “Bollenhut” is made of flat straw topped with 14 bulbs of varying sizes.
The traditional dress worn by Evangelical women includes this item. Those who are unmarried wear red bulbs, and those who are wedded wear black bulbs.
They can weigh up to two kilograms each! The ensemble includes an all-black dress with a broad skirt and a puffy white top.
“Bollenhut” is a folk tradition in Gutach, Kirnbach, and Hornberg-Reichenbach, but it has become a symbol for the entire Black Forest region because of its popularity.