Bananas are among the most popular and beloved fruits in the United States. More than 100 million pounds are consumed every year.
This is according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics. However, some can’t eat bananas due to allergies or medical conditions.
For example, allergies like gluten intolerance or celiac disease, which means they need substitutes for bananas.
Whether it’s in smoothies, ice cream, or even bread, here are some of the best substitutes for bananas as a food.
Why Should We Substitute Banana?
One of my favorite foods is bananas. It’s delicious, and I have grown up with them being in my life. I’m sure you’ve heard bananas are good for you, but you may not know why bananas can benefit your health.
Here are some of the banana’s benefits:
- Banana fiber can aid in digestion. -Banana has potassium, which helps lower blood pressure
- Banana’s antioxidants can help prevent heart disease
- They taste delicious.
Moreover, the only problem with bananas is they sometimes go wrong before we can eat them all. This can be especially true if you buy them in bulk and let them sit around too long.
For instance, I am keeping them because they don’t ripen enough. So that brings me to today’s post: substitutes for bananas as food.
Substitutes for Bananas

Avocados are one of nature’s perfect substitutes for bananas. They are packed with fiber, healthy fats, and plant sterols that promote cardiovascular health.
Another benefit is that many recipes can use avocados in place of bananas. For example, it adds a creamy texture and boosts nutritional value.
This substitution is often seen in desserts such as ice cream and smoothies. Baked goods replace bananas with avocados to get added flavor and nutrition.
Also, you could mash up avocado instead of buying pre-made guacamole. Regarding portion size, you’ll want about 1⁄4 cup of mashed avocado per banana called for in your recipe.
Applesauce is famous among substitutes for bananas. They are readily available and taste great! If you add cinnamon to it, it can taste even better.
Furthermore, applesauce has more fiber than bananas, making you feel fuller and faster. It can also help suppress cravings, meaning you’ll likely consume fewer calories.
If your applesauce contains sugar or high fructose corn syrup, compare the calories. This is to ensure you don’t mistakenly think applesauce is healthier than bananas.
Unlike bananas, which lose flavor if not consumed quickly, oatmeal will stay good even when left overnight. Make banana-oatmeal cookies by combining unsweetened applesauce with whole-wheat flour.
Also, add baking powder, cinnamon, and walnuts or pecans. Or add a cup of oats to your favorite pancake recipe.
Furthermore, consider using it instead of one of your fruit servings at breakfast time. After all, it’s loaded with fiber, and you can get an equivalent amount of potassium.
Oatmeal is a substitute for bananas that provides the same amount of potassium nutrients that you’d typically get from two bananas.
Chia Seeds
Did you know that chia seeds can be a good substitute for bananas in baking? They have twice as much fiber and protein as bananas and also higher levels of antioxidants.
Also, they are straightforward to find in health food stores! They have even been proven to lower blood pressure, improve heart health, reduce arthritis symptoms, etc.
In addition to all these great qualities, chia seeds make fantastic substitutes for bananas in recipes! Replace one egg with one tablespoon of ground chia seeds. You can add one teaspoon of water per tablespoon of chia seeds to your recipe.
Mangoes are also suitable substitutes for bananas. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. It has antioxidant properties that lower the risk of cancer. Mango can keep you full for hours. Therefore, they are excellent substitutes for bananas.
Furthermore, the pulp from mangoes makes great milkshakes and smoothies when blended with milk or ice cream. One small mango has more than 25 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C.
It is excellent for maintaining healthy gums and teeth and supports wound healing. To lose weight quickly without starving yourself, include mango in your diet at least twice or thrice a week!
While you can’t simply swap bananas with dates since they have different flavor profiles, one can use one instead of another.
Although dates have only 50 calories and 3 grams of fiber per date, they are higher in fiber and potassium than bananas. They are also high in iron and manganese.
Consider adding them to oatmeal or smoothies where they’ll offer a similar consistency and comparable nutrition.
If your recipe calls for a shredded banana, purée pitted dates instead to yield more even results. Dates can also work well if you’re looking to make banana bread.
Pineapples have been used to flavor foods like cakes and ice cream since pre-Columbian times. In addition to being delicious, they are also very healthy and can serve as excellent substitutes for bananas in many dishes.
The flesh of pineapples adds moisture, sweetness, and fiber to foods without adding extra fat or calories.
Pineapples are also very easy to work with, making them ideal ingredients for any cook who doesn’t want to spend hours fussing over recipes.
Whether you’re looking for a way to sneak some more fruit into your diet or want something tasty to eat on a hot summer day, try adding pineapple next time you make banana bread or other treats!
As you may know, peaches are considered one of the top foods rich in anti-aging properties. Peaches also provide essential nutrients, including vitamin A, potassium, and dietary fiber.
Eating peaches regularly has numerous health benefits. They are also suitable substitutes for bananas in your diet.
We all know that bananas are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, iron, and dietary fiber. Pears also contain all these nutrients, but in a lesser amount than bananas.
So, if you are afraid of getting calories and carbs from bananas, replace them with pear fruit. It will save your health from being overweight or obese.
You can prepare fruit salad or dessert with pears or design a cereal bar at breakfast with pears slices.
There are many other ways to use them as substitutes for bananas, like preparing muffins using 1/3 cup pears instead of 1/3 cup bananas, porridge recipes using pears instead of bananas, etc.
Greek Yogurt
Yogurt is also one of many substitutes for banana foods that can be used in some of our recipes instead of bananas.
Because yogurt, like other dairy products, contains protein and fat, it may help you feel full sooner. Yogurt may also have some health benefits that are not found in bananas.
It’s loaded with probiotics and proteins that help boost your immune system and strengthen your bones—which means you’ll be able to do more with less energy after eating yogurt.
Due to its high protein content, bodybuilders use it to build muscle mass. At the same time, they cut down on their calorie intake.
But remember: Like any food, too much of a good thing can be harmful. Please limit yourself to one serving of yogurt daily so you don’t lose weight instead of losing it!
Although it’s not technically a banana substitute, the apricot is one of many fruits on our list. A medium-sized ripe apricot has about 31 calories and packs quite a bit of fiber: 2 grams.
You can use pies or muffins instead of apples as an alternative to bananas. The flatter bottom of an apricot makes it easy to stack on top of other ingredients when baking, so go ahead and use them like bananas in bread or cakes, too!
Apricots contain vitamin C and are rich in phytonutrients such as beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
Fresh kiwi is pretty easy to come by; they’re available year-round at grocery stores and make an excellent alternative to bananas in recipes.
Kiwis have a unique flavor that combines sweet, sour, and bitter. Cut them into a banana shape, and you’ll have your substitution ready soon. Like bananas, kiwis are best eaten when ripe (bright green on one side).
They should be firm but not stiff—feel free to squeeze them before eating. Once mature, they can be stored in their skins for up to two days.
If you want to use them beyond that period (and who doesn’t?), slice them or cut off their tops and freeze them!
Many people have never tried eating a grapefruit in place of bananas. While many other foods are used to replace bananas, few are healthier or taste better than grapefruit.
It is better served by itself with no added sugar. Grapefruit not only gives you more energy and health benefits than bananas, but it also has a unique flavor that will satisfy your taste buds.
Soaked Cashews
Cashews are rich in magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, and B-complex vitamins, but they are also high in calories.
A cup of cashews has 160 calories and 15 grams of fat, so they are suitable substitutes for bananas.
One medium banana has about 105 calories, which means that substituting one cup of cashews for one banana will reduce your caloric intake by about 40 calories.
This may not seem like much, but helping you lose weight can also help with overall cholesterol levels.
Frozen Veggies
Though frozen vegetables can’t quite match ripe bananas in terms of nutrition (bananas are loaded with potassium and fiber), they still deliver valuable amounts of vitamins A, C, and K, folate, thiamin, and niacin.
According to one study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating about 11⁄2 cups per day of green leafy veggies—like broccoli or spinach—can increase your body’s sensitivity to insulin, helping you control blood sugar.
Plus, frozen veggies won’t spoil overnight. Eat them plain or add them to omelets, soups, pasta dishes, stir-fries, you name it!
Though quinoa is one of nine species of goosefoot, it is often described as a grain seed from some varieties eaten whole or ground into flour.
Still, most people are familiar with quinoa as an ingredient in gluten-free products like crackers, pasta, and pancake mixes.
When cooked and cooled, quinoa is an excellent substitute for bananas. Its mild flavor blends well with fruit purees to make creamy desserts.
Use 1 cup of water or milk to 1 cup of rinsed quinoa; boil over medium heat and then simmer until grains have expanded but retain their shape (about 15 minutes). Cool quickly in the refrigerator (20 minutes should do) before using recipes.
Eggs are versatile. You can serve them in several ways, and they’re also good to cook with or eat raw. The egg is an ideal substitute when you want to make some banana bread.
You may need to add extra sugar to your recipe when using eggs. But they will give you some additional protein while satisfying your craving for sweets.
Plantains are also substitutes for bananas. They are starchy, green bananas. So you can cook and mash them up as substitutes for bananas in most recipes.
They don’t taste quite like bananas but have a similar consistency, so you shouldn’t notice much difference.
For example, use plantain instead of banana when making muffins or banana bread. The baked goods will be denser than they would be with bananas, but they’ll still taste good!

Like bananas, cherries are high in pectin and soluble fiber, so they are suitable substitutes for bananas. Both types of fiber lower cholesterol levels and help prevent blood-sugar spikes after meals.
Cherries also contain polyphenols (plant compounds) that reduce inflammation and improve heart health. Cherries may also be effective in preventing kidney stones.
A recent study found that eating 11⁄2 cups of fresh or frozen cherries can have anti-inflammatory effects. Compared to those of ibuprofen, it has no gastrointestinal side effects.
While bananas are incredibly nutrient-dense and can make an excellent addition to your diet, they’re not cheap. That makes them one of those snack foods that are okay to substitute. Therefore, there are many substitutes for bananas.
For example, if you have banana bread on hand and fresh fruit is off-limits, use applesauce or yogurt instead. The taste won’t be identical, but it’ll get you by when money is tight.