The root of an arrowroot plant produces arrowroot powder, starch, and flour. Southeast Asia is home to Maranta arundinacea, a topical plant.
The tropical tubers cassava, yucca, and kudzu substitutes for arrowroot flour. Arrowroot Flour is made by drying and grinding the plant’s roots.
The white starchy powder has no taste or smell. But what are substitutes for arrowroot flour?
Arrowroot is gluten-free since it is grain-free. This makes it readily digested for food allergies.
Because the flour is flavorless, it may be used in sweet and savory dishes.
For these reasons, it’s a great gluten-free baking ingredient. Since it has no flavor or fragrance, locating a substitute that won’t overshadow the other components may be tougher.
For those reasons, we’ll assist you in finding the ideal substitutes for arrowroot flour. Scroll down to choose the best one for your recipe.
1. Cornflour

Cornflour is one of the gluten-free substitutes for arrowroot flour since it comes from maize endosperm, not for grain-free diets. Arrowrots have little fiber, although cornflour does not.
Both are protein-free. They’re interchangeable in many recipes. Arrowroot powder works better in acidic meals, although cornflour resists high heat.
2. Tapioca Starch
Another substitute for arrowroot flour is tapioca starch. Both derive from tropical root vegetables and lack protein and fiber.
Tapioca starch originates from the cassava root, often known as tapioca flour.
It is tasteless and odorless, like arrowroot; therefore, it won’t affect your recipes. In contrast, tapioca starch can endure heat for lengthy durations.
Instead of arrowroot, tapioca starch works nicely in dairy-based dishes without becoming gummy.
3. Potato Starch
This is next on our list of substitutes for arrowroot flour. Potato starch also moistens baked foods.
Potato starch is a gluten- and grain-free substitute for arrowroot flour since it originates from potatoes.
Despite its low nutritional content, potato starch is necessary for gluten-free cooking and baking.
Potato starch is versatile and heat-resistant. Potato starch and flour are different and cannot be used interchangeably.
4. Potato Flour
Unlike potato starch, potato flour is created from peeled potatoes boiled, dried, and milled into flour.
Its soft and supple texture makes it suitable for gluten-free baking. Half the arrowroot may be replaced with potato flour.
Change 4 tablespoons of arrowroot powder to 2 teaspoons of potato flour. Learn about replacing potato starch with flour.
5. Psyllium Husk
Psyllium husk is also on our list of substitutes for arrowroot flour.
Psyllium husk powder is made from Asian Plantago Ovata seeds and is gluten-free and high in fiber.
Psyllium husk gels in liquids, making it a great thickening and binder. It makes baked foods like these blondies light and fluffy.
Use half the quantity to replace 2 teaspoons of arrowroot starch with 1 teaspoon of psyllium husk powder.
Psyllium husk powder may create stomach troubles in high amounts. Thus, I seldom suggest more than 1 teaspoon.
6. Sweet Rice Flour
Sweet rice flour, another arrowroot starch alternative, works in many dishes.
Starch content is greater than arrowroot starch. Especially frozen sweets benefit from it.
Some sauces get cloudier when sweet rice flour is added. Also, replace while baking for ideal results. Replace half the sweet rice flour with arrowroot starch.
7. Xanthan Gum
Xanthan gum is next on our list of substitutes for the arrowroot flour option.
Xanthan gum replacements are fermented sucrose, glucose, and lactose, dried and powdered into a fine powder.
Xanthan gum thickens and binds soup, ice cream, yogurt, and breads like this sorghum bread.
These qualities make it ideal for gluten-free baking. Just with psyllium husk powder, adding more than 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum powder to your recipe may create stomach difficulties.
8. Potato-Flakes-Mashed
The potatoes are cooked, mashed, and dehydrated. These substitutes for arrowroot flour may thicken and bind dishes like these no-yeast cinnamon buns.
They also give pieces of bread and other foods a light, fluffy texture.
You may substitute half the mashed potato flakes in a recipe. Use 1 teaspoon of mashed potato flakes instead of 2 teaspoons of arrowroot flour.
9. Coconut Flour
Coconut flour works, too. Coconut flour, made from dried and crushed coconut flesh, is gluten- and grain-free and extremely absorbent.
Even banana pancakes use a small quantity of coconut flour.
Use half the coconut flour instead of arrowroot powder. For instance, replace 2 teaspoons of arrowroot starch with 1 teaspoon of coconut flour.
10. Gluten-Free Flour Blend
This is the last on our list of substitutes for arrowroot flour. My gluten-free flour mix and most commercial blends (King Arthur Measure for Measure is gluten- and dairy-free) perform well as substitutes for arrowroot flour.
As its name implies, gluten-free flour blends may be used in many gluten-free dishes, from peanut butter brownies to breadsticks.
This alternative excels in gluten-free fast breads. Use half the gluten-free flour mix in recipes instead of arrowroot flour.
Arrowroot Flour thickens sauces owing to its high amyl pectin content from Brazilian cassava.
A spoonful of arrowroot flour mixed with chilled water and a cup of gravy or other sauce thickens quickly when swirled over high heat.
Arrowroot Flour is ideal for thickening, but if you don’t have any, try one of these substitutes for arrowroot flour.
For the best arrowroot flour alternatives, consider fiber and protein content.
Replacement starches and flours should have equivalent fiber and protein levels.
Some of these substitutes for arrowroot flour may be used equally, while some may need more or less.
It works nicely in fast breads, pancakes, muffins, etc. However, alternatives may affect yeast pieces of bread.