Infant Bad Breath

What Are the Causes of Infant Bad Breath?

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We usually do not think of infants when the subject of bad breath is raised. Babies’ cute and sweet nature does not go along with foul breath in babies, right? We live in a world where nothing is impossible, and factors can trigger bad breath.

Many mothers may notice bad breath in their babies and shouldn’t be surprised if a health complication causes it.

Read on to find out more.

Health Complications That Can Cause Infant Bad Breath

If your child has bad breath, you must look for the source. Parents should know that a child’s triggers of bad breath are diverse. The foul breath should not be ignored in infants because it may signify an infection in the stomach, throat, or mouth.

The following include some possible health complications that may cause bad breath in infants:


Sinusitis may be one potential cause of foul breath. Babies may experience other symptoms, including nasal secretion and sneezing if they suffer from sinusitis.

Although sinusitis symptoms are similar to cold symptoms, sinusitis can last much longer. The condition could be caused by allergic reactions, leading to stuffy sinuses.

This would naturally affect the baby’s breathing, as it would be forced to breathe through its mouth. This would inevitably cause the saliva in the mouth to dry up.

Saliva is less than usual, contributing to dry mouth, which can cause bad breath in babies.

To avoid further complications, it is best to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the best treatment option.

Enlarged Tonsils

Enlarged tonsils or adenoids are other medical problems that may contribute to bad breath.

Mothers may observe visibly red, swollen, spotted tonsils with a bad smell, whereas healthy tonsils are pink and spot-free.

Bacteria can accumulate in your infant’s back of the mouth, causing stinky breath combined with the sour odor of infection.

If your baby’s tonsils appear red or swollen, you should have them checked by your doctor. Your physician may prescribe antibiotics to combat the infection properly.

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Acid Reflux

It is not unusual for children to experience acid reflux, which can cause bad breath and is commonly accompanied by food regurgitation.

Acid reflux occurs when the muscle ring between the esophagus and the stomach is not mature enough to hold food.

This then causes the stomach’s contents to flow backward, causing the baby to spit up.

This condition is rarely severe as your baby ages and should be reduced. Fortunately, acid reflux does not continue beyond the age of 18 months.

Parents shouldn’t be worried about reflux in their babies as the condition generally clears up.

Notwithstanding, the steps you can take to manage the symptoms of acid reflux include:

  • Maintain a smaller portion of food for your baby
  • Ensure to burp your baby partway during food time.
  • Position your baby upward for about 20 to 30 minutes after they’ve eaten
  • Try interchanging the formula you give your baby
  • Use different sizes of nipples on your infant’s baby bottle. Using nipples that are either too large or too small may make your child swallow air.
  • Avoid dairy products or beef if you are still breastfeeding your child. This will help you know if your child is allergic to what you eat.

Immediate medications aren’t advised for infants with less severe cases of acid reflux.

However, if medication is required, your pediatrician may recommend some acid-blocking medication, such as Prilosec for children one year and above or Zantac for infants 12 months and below.

Typically, controlling your infant’s reflux should help eliminate bad breath.

Less Severe Cases of Infant Bad Breath

While it is easy to suspect a health complication in infants with bad breath, this may not always be true.

Some of the foods and drinks you give your child may remain around the gums or on the tongue, causing bacterial growth, which in turn leads to infant bad breath.

The following may inspire less severe cases of bad breath in your child:

Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking in children is very common, and it can be noticed in at least 80 percent of infants. This simple act can cause dry mouth, increasing bacteria infestation, which ultimately causes bad breath in infants.

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Many children between the ages of 2 – 4 forgo this habit, with about 12 percent stopping when they are four. Treatment isn’t necessary for controlling this habit since many kids stop sucking on their own.

Nonetheless, alleviating infant bad breath caused by sucking of thumb may require the use of a soft washcloth with warm water to clean your child’s mouth, tongue, and gum daily.

Pacifier Use

Saliva and some oral bacteria are transferred when babies suck on their pacifier. This may cause your babies’ pacifier to smell bad, which can be transferred into your infant’s mouth when next they suck on their pacifier.

It is even worse when parents don’t take the time to clean their baby’s pacifier after use, which can easily promote the increase of bacteria and trigger the infant’s bad breath.

Parents can control their babies’ terrible breath by stopping using a pacifier altogether. However, if your child isn’t ready to give up their toy, it would help to sterilize often to eliminate germs and bacteria.

While most kids between 2 – 4 years old stop using pacifiers, it would be best to consult your dentist or pediatrician if your kid is reluctant about giving it up.

Foreign Object

It isn’t uncommon for babies to have tiny foreign objects stuck in their noses or mouths. Not only can this affect your child’s breathing, but it can also develop foul breath in your baby.

If you suspect your child has something stuck in their nose or mouth that may be difficult to remove, it is best to consult with your health care providers immediately.

This would also minimize further complications that these objects may inspire.

Sugar in Diet

Bottle-fed babies may experience bacterial growth in their mouths when given milk or formula, which can ultimately lead to bad breath.

Parents can manage these oral bacteria and bad breath by practicing good oral care with their children.

  • Clean your baby’s mouth, gums, and tongue at least twice daily, particularly after feeding or bedtime. This would help prevent any potential bacteria build-up in your child’s mouth.
  • If your child can’t sleep without a bottle in their mouth, changing the content to water would be best to discourage bacteria growth that can cause bad breath.
  • Parents should ensure they monitor their child’s sugar intake, particularly in older babies. Excess sugar consumption can encourage the growth of bacteria that can cause infant bad breath.
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An infant’s Bad Breath May Be a Sign of a More Severe Complication.

As stated, foul breath in young children could indicate a serious infection. Parents should consult their child’s dentist or pediatrician if they notice their child’s breath doesn’t smell good. Ignoring this sign may be fatal as it could be a sign of something more serious.

The following are some possible complications that may cause infant bad breath:


It has been discovered that type 1 diabetes can affect children when their pancreas doesn’t provide insulin. This hormone is responsible for helping the body get energy from food.

The decrease or absence of insulin can cause the body’s immune system to attack and destroy insulin-producing cells. One of the apparent symptoms of this complication includes bad breath in infants.

Chronic Kidney Disease

This condition occurs when there is a reduction in kidney function or severe kidney damage. A study found that about 20.1 percent of kids under 2 experience this condition.

The symptoms of this condition can include:

  • Poor appetite
  • Vomiting
  • A general feeling of sickness
  • Chronic urinary tract infections
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Bad breath
  • Stomach mass
  • Headache
  • Stunted growth

If your child has bad breath, it helps to inform your pediatrician. This will allow the doctor to determine the cause of the nasty smell and the best way to tackle it.

Parents should also minimize the number of items they introduce into their baby’s mouth that may cause bad breath. By providing your child with healthy oral care, fresher breath can be maintained.

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