How to Get Food Out of Holes Wisdom Teeth
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

How to Get Food Out of Holes Wisdom Teeth?

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I’ve heard of the word ‘wisdom tooth,’ but I never knew what it meant until I researched it. Since I know it now, I won’t leave you behind.

Better yet, we’ll be learning about a common issue related to wisdom teeth and its remedy: how to get food out of wisdom teeth.

What about those wisdom teeth, and why are their presence and absence tormenting? 

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Milk teeth are for babies, and wisdom teeth are for older people ages 17 to 21. They are called wisdom teeth because you get them when you are older.

They grow out from the empty area at the end of your gum. You get two on both sides, completing the set of 32 teeth in adulthood.

Many people don’t have this last set of teeth for some reason. For some other reason, many people with these wisdom teeth would have them removed surgically.

The absence of these teeth in some adults is unknown, but it can be due to genetics, diet, environment, and chewing functions.

People have theirs removed mainly because of a major issue called ‘impacted teeth.’ This is when there is no room for the wisdom teeth to grow out from or when they get stuck under the gum, leading to dental complications. 

Now, when the impacted wisdom teeth don’t cause problems for you, they can be left alone, but they are surgically removed when they lead to painful problems.

If left untreated, partially impacted wisdom teeth can lead to several gum problems, such as tooth decay and other infections. Food can also get stuck in them, making cleaning and brushing difficult, especially when it’s painful.

What Purpose Are Wisdom Teeth?

These wisdom teeth are tough molars that assist in grinding food. Some believe that wisdom teeth serve as reserve teeth when some older teeth get weak, decay, or fall off.

Our ancestors ate stronger food with no dental appointments, and there was the likelihood of losing teeth easily.

However, we eat softer food, and many people practice good hygiene, reducing the problems encountered by our ancestors. This leaves the wisdom teeth with little purpose and more problems.

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The mouth usually has enough room for 28 teeth; four extra teeth can lead to overcrowding, which can lead to many issues.

What Causes Holes in Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are hard to clean and may get infected. The teeth can trap food and bacteria in it and the surrounding gum.

The wisdom teeth are at the back of the mouth, so they can easily be missed while brushing or flossing. An impacted wisdom tooth may not grow out correctly.

It may emerge partially, develop sideways, or grow at an angle. This gives it a higher risk of infection and decay. A cavity comes after a while when the bacteria have eaten deep into the enamel layer of the teeth. 

Different bacteria can cause an infection around and in a wisdom tooth. In some cases, the infection spreads to other mouth and head areas. 

When this infection happens, you must get the affected teeth removed as soon as possible. However, before your doctor’s appointment, and as difficult as it may be, you’ll eat food.

This food has the tendency to run and hide inside the protective hole of wisdom teeth to avoid being ground. It will hurt like hell, but don’t leave it there because you’ll be uncomfortable.

How to Get Food Out of Holes Wisdom Teeth (Before Wisdom Tooth Extraction)

If you’re in extreme pain, you must visit or consult your dentist for advice. But when the pain is tolerable, you can try any of these procedures:

  • Rinse your mouth vigorously with water after each meal. 
  • If available, you may opt for antimicrobial mouthwash. Use it about 30 minutes after your meal. Swish it in your mouth for about 30 seconds. Do not flush with or drink water for 30 minutes after using the mouthwash. Also, try not to eat for at least an hour after.
  • Avoid sticky or chewy food (candy, caramel) and cold and hot drinks.
  • Rinse your mouth with lukewarm saltwater, allowing it to touch every part of your mouth. Tilt your head to one side, then the other, to ensure even distribution and an optimum result.
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice daily and possibly, after every meal to prevent food from getting stuck in your wisdom teeth cavity.
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How to Get Food Out of Holes Wisdom Teeth (After Wisdom Tooth Extraction)

1. Saltwater rinse

After tooth extraction, you should not rinse your mouth with water for the first 24 hours. Once this timeframe has elapsed and food has become stuck in the tender hole, rinse your mouth with warm salt water to help dislodge the food.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of table salt in 8 ounces of warm water. Avoid using hot or cold water.
  2. Don’t swish vigorously; this action may dissolve the clotted blood forming over the hole. 
  3. Avoid spitting it out; let the water drip or fall into the sink.
  4. Repeat the rinsing process four more times.

2. Herbal Tea Rinse

If you’re not a fan of salt water or it makes you pretty uncomfortable, attempt rinsing your mouth with lukewarm herbal tea.

You should try herbal teas with anti-inflammatory components. Some examples are green tea, turmeric, and chamomile.

Follow the same procedure for saltwater. Remember, do not spit it out. Let it fall freely from your mouth when you’re done rinsing.

3. Mouthwash Rinse

Rinse your mouth and teeth with a gentle mouthwash. Before using mouthwash, consult your dentist to determine if and when you can use it. Your dentist may recommend specific bacteria-killing mouthwash.

Follow the same procedure as the saltwater rinse.

4. Warm Water Syringe

A syringe is used for target rinsing. Every point of a hole is reached using this method. The food particles in the hole are bound to be dislodged if properly applied.

How to Use a Warm Water Syringe?

  • Fill a new, sterile syringe with slightly warm water.
  • Hold the syringe close to the hole, then gently release the water, allowing it to hit it from different angles.
  • Do not allow forceful water to flow into the hole, as this may hurt and cause you to bleed.

5. Spray Bottle With Warm Water

When a syringe is not available, try a neat spray bottle. This method can only be used when you can open your mouth wide without feeling severe pain.

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6. Oral Pulsating Irrigator

An oral pulsating irrigator is also called a water flosser. Before using the above, consult your dentist. They may recommend waiting a few weeks to use an oral pulsating irrigator. 

Gently aim at the hole and spray in the area of the food particle. This may help get the food particles out.

7. Gentle Brush

A clean, soft bristle toothbrush can also do the trick. Do not brush harshly; gently stroke the area to remove the food. After brushing, you may try rinsing using any of the methods above. Do not try the method until about a week after surgery or tooth extraction.

8. Cotton Swab

Use a sterile cotton swab if you are uncomfortable using a soft bristle toothbrush. Gently brush the hole area.

Do this carefully to avoid pushing the food particle deeper into the hole. Like the soft bristle brush, this method can only be carried out a week after surgery.

This concludes how to get food out of holes in wisdom teeth. I hope this little but educating article will help ease that ache.

Additional Info

How Can I Prevent Food From Getting Stuck in a Wisdom Tooth Hole?

  • Do not chew food close to the hole.
  • After multiple teeth extraction, you should eat soft foods or take more liquid food.
  • Rinse your mouth as soon as you finish eating to dislodge food particles.
  • Try rinsing your mouth with lukewarm salt water after meals.
  • Avoid crunchy foods, chewy foods, and foods with particles such as tiny seeds.
  • Avoid acidic drinks and spicy food at risk of dissolving the blood clots in the wisdom teeth hole.

How Long Does It Take for the Hole to Close Up?

Recovery from minor wisdom tooth surgery takes 3 to 7 days. Extensive procedures may last several weeks before recovery.

You are likely to experience residual swelling and bleeding. You may also feel the soreness of the jaw and bruising on your cheek area.

The extent of wisdom teeth surgery, including stitches, determines recovery time. Holes made from complicated surgeries can last 6 weeks or longer. 

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