Different Types Of Shrubs In Ohio
Image credit: thisoldhouse.com

12 Different Types of Shrubs in Ohio

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There are many different types of shrubs in Ohio that you can choose when you’re landscaping your home. However, each one has unique qualities and characteristics.

So, it’s important to understand which shrubs will flourish in your particular climate before you start planting and caring for them. 

This guide discusses the most common different types of shrubs in Ohio. And simultaneously explains how to care for them to maximize their beauty and longevity.

1. Hydrangeas 

Hydrangeas are one of the most popular among the different types of shrubs in Ohio because they can be grown just about anywhere.

They are easy to care for, come in various colors, and grow quickly. Also, these plants can withstand several different types of soil conditions.

Generally, all you need is a sunny location with well-drained soil. Keep them moist but not wet. You should trim them back every spring to help keep their shape. 

Equally important, prune off any dead wood on these plants throughout the year. There are many varieties that differ in color, size, leaf shape, and growth habit.

Consequently, take some time before planting your new hydrangea if you want something specific.

2. Lilac Bush

We have the lilac bush in second place among Ohio’s different types of shrubs. Likewise, it is one of the most common shrubs found in Ohio gardens.

These bushes are attractive because they bloom twice a year, giving them a total of four blooming periods per year. 

Moreso, Lilacs grow best when planted on an east or south-facing slope with rich soil that is moist but well-drained.

When planting these shrubs, it’s important to consider their mature height (3′ – 6′) and width (3′ – 4′). Also, it’s important to plant about 2′ from the house or other structures for maximum protection from harsh winter winds.

3. Sumac

We aren’t leaving Sumac from the list of Ohio’s different types of shrubs. The sumac is a type of shrub that grows well in hot climates with little water.

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Sumacs are evergreen, meaning they don’t lose their leaves during winter. Additionally, they grow up to three feet high and have red berries that can ripen throughout the year.

To care for this type of shrub, it needs full sun exposure or partial shade and an average amount of water (1-3 inches per week). And, of course, soil pH between 5 and 7, and sandy loam or clay soils.

4. Juniper Bush

Juniper bushes are evergreen shrubs with small, needle-like leaves. The berries of the juniper bush are popular as Christmas decorations because they stay green all year round.

The berries can also be used as a spice or flavoring. Junipers can grow up to 12 feet tall and thrive in sunny areas, making good screens.

Junipers generally do not need watering more than once or twice during summer. Like some other different types of shrubs in Ohio, it also requires low maintenance.

5. Azaleas

Azaleas are one of the most popular shrubs planted in Ohio. They come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some varieties of azalea will bloom all year long, while others only bloom once a year. 

That being noted, Azaleas are easy to care for – they thrive with little water but can also be watered regularly if you prefer.

In the springtime, you’ll need to fertilize them with an organic fertilizer like Milorganite or Espoma Earth-tone Plant Food.

Specifically, this is so they stay lush green during the summer months. In late fall, it’s important to rake leaves away from their base and remove any dead or dying branches before winter sets in.

6. Spirea

And yes! This is on the list of different types of shrubs in Ohio. Spirea (known as the flowering shrub) is a deciduous shrub that grows up to 10 feet tall.

They are well-known for their white or pink flowers that bloom from late spring until early fall. 

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Generally, Spirea is considered pest free but can be prone to powdery mildew. To prevent this, avoid watering your spirea in the heat of the day and water it less frequently.

One other thing you can do is plant it near a tree or another shady spot so it can get more protection from the sun.

7. Viburnums 

Also, Viburnums aren’t excluded from the list of different types of shrubs in Ohio. It’s a genus of about 30 species of deciduous shrubs, flowering plants in the family Adoxaceae. They are native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. 

In addition, Viburnums produce flowers that can be red, blue, or white, followed by an abundance of urn-shaped fruits. Plus, any viburnum species resist deer grazing, making them popular garden shrubs. 

8. Butterfly Bush

The butterfly bush, or Buddleia davidii, is a deciduous shrub native to Europe. Butterfly bushes are extremely popular because they come in various colors, including pink, lavender, blue, purple, and white.

They share similar characteristics with the other different types of shrubs in Ohio. They can be used as hedges when trimmed or left untrimmed.

At the same time, Butterfly bushes are one of the easiest shrubs to grow; they like moist but well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

To keep your butterfly bush healthy, it needs regular fertilization and pruning every year after the first full leaf canopy develops.

9. Honeysuckle Bush

Honeysuckle Bush (Lonicera periclymenum) is a deciduous shrub that produces clusters of sweet-smelling flowers during the summer months.

This plant can grow up to 8 feet tall and prefers full sun exposure with partial shade. Honeysuckle needs little care, but it does need some, like some different types of shrubs in Ohio.

Moving on, you should first prune your shrub back at the beginning of the growing season, which typically starts in April. Doing so will promote new growth and make your shrub bushier!

10. Holly

Holly is one of the different types of shrubs in Ohio. It is evergreen, which means it keeps its leaves throughout the winter. The leaves are shiny green, oval-shaped, with serrated edges. 

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Again, the flowers are small and white with red berries that ripen during winter. These berries are what give holly its name.

They have a purplish bloom on them that resembles the color of an old holly tree or berry-stained glass window.

Besides, Hollies come in many varieties; some have glossy leaves while others have matte-like texture.

Some grow low and broad, while others grow taller and narrower. Hollies can be grown as hedges or in containers on patios or decks.

11. Inkberry

The inkberry shrub is an evergreen that grows 3-6 feet tall. It has dark green leaves with a white underside. The flowers are cream-colored, but they grow in clusters. 

They like to live on acidic soil, so adding mulch or peat moss around the plant is important. In winter, it is important not to let the soil get too dry.

This can cause brown leaf tips, eventually leading to the browning of all the leaves over time. We aren’t through with our list of the different types of shrubs in Ohio yet! Read on!

12. Northern Spicebush

To wrap up our list of different types of shrubs in Ohio, we have the Spicebush. Commonly found in the Midwest, it’s a shrub that can grow up to 10 feet tall. It has reddish-brown bark with smooth white patches of scales. 

Furthermore, its leaves are ovate with pointed tips. The flowers are small, yellowish-green, and bloom between April and June. Spicebush prefers moist, acidic soil.

Also, it can grow well alongside other plants. It will only take up about 4 feet of space if planted 5 feet apart from each other. 

Lastly, Spicebush should be pruned twice a year to remove dead or damaged branches once in the fall. Then again in spring, just after the flowering season ends.

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