Do you want a facial piercing? Then, it would be best to have this article on the different types of facial piercings.
There are many various types, sizes, and designs of facial piercings.
They are common physical alterations among the most distinctive and visible body piercings you might have.
We’ll cover body piercing jewelry, getting pierced, and the different types of facial piercings available in this article on facial piercings.
We have everything you need, including surface piercings like bridge and third eye piercings and cheek, eye, anti-eyebrow, and other piercings.
Always be certain you are considering and consult a piercing expert to determine what is best for your body moving forward.
Below are the different types of facial piercings we have.
1. Vertical Eyebrow Piercing

This is the first on the list of different types of facial piercings. They have a low pain threshold and require little upkeep because they are so noticeable.
The most typical eyebrow piercing involves vertically inserting a hoop or barbell through the ridge.
This piercing is typically positioned over the eye’s outer corner at an angle corresponding to your brow’s arch.
2. Nose Piercing

One of the most popular piercings is a nose piercing. Women wore nose piercings as a social or tribal emblem in Eastern (Oriental) culture.
Today, especially in the Western world, it is done by men and women and is thought stylish.
Different types of nose piercings have distinct names based on the area of the nose that is pierced. They include:
- The nose cartilage is punctured during a nostril piercing.
- Nasallang piercing: It pierces the septum and both nostrils horizontally.
- Rhino piercing: It occurs at the nose’s tip. It resembles the horn of a rhinoceros.
- The nasal septum, a thin cartilage between your nostrils, is pierced.
- Rhino and septum piercings are combined to create the septril piercing.
- Austin bar piercing only penetrates the nose’s tip, not the septum or nostrils.
The pain associated with various piercings varies based on the piercing site and a person’s discomfort tolerance.
While recovery times vary, they can range from two to six months.
3. Bridge Piercing

Bridge Piercing is next on our list of the different types of facial piercings.
You can get a bridge piercing, also known as a straight barbell piercing, between your eyes, going through the fleshy (not the bone) area of the upper half of your nose.
However, not everyone can successfully pierce a bridge. You should speak with your piercer in advance if the skin on your nose is excessively thin or tight.
This increases the likelihood that your body will reject the piercing, which could lead to it migrating into a different place as it heals.
4. Lip Piercing

Either the upper lip or the lower lip can be pierced. Despite the sensitive nature of the lips, it usually doesn’t hurt too much. Normally, full recovery takes two to three months.
The various kinds of lip piercings consist of:
- Labret: It pierces the bottom lip in the middle.
- Medusa: It appears above the upper lip, below the septum.
- Monroe: On the left side, it may be seen over the top lip. It bears Marilyn Monroe’s birthmark over her lip as its name.
- Madonna: It can be seen on the right upper lip.
- Ashley: It enters the mouth at the back of the lip after passing through the center of the lower lip.
- Snakebite: The lower lip has two piercings at either corner.
- Angel bite: This symmetrical double piercing is above the upper lip on both sides.
- Smiley: It passes through the tiny flap of skin (called the frenulum) that joins your upper lip’s interior to your gums.
- Frowny: It passes through the frenulum, which connects your lower lip and gum when you frown.
5. Anti-Eyebrow Piercing

The Anti Eyebrow Piercing is next on our list of the different types of facial piercings.
Imagine that your brows are reversed. An anti-eyebrow piercing, often called a teardrop piercing, is a surface bar pierced beneath your eye and mimics the droop of your eyebrow.
This is typically pierced with a straight barbell, producing an almost mirror image.
You’ll need to pay close attention to your piercer’s aftercare instructions. It will include cleaning it with saline at least twice daily because it is close to your eye.
6. Third Eye Piercing

A vertical piercing between the eyebrows marks the third eye. It got its name because of how much it resembles a third eye.
Both ends of the jewelry are normally visible when the piercer causes a puncture in the forehead skin by pinching it.
However, it is called a microdermal third eye when only one jewelry component is visible.
Men can wear this piercing even though women tend to favor it. Healing often takes 4 to 6 months.
7. Horizontal Eyebrow Piercing

A horizontal eyebrow piercing is positioned above, below, or inside the eyebrow.
Compared to other facial piercings, it is not as painful. You’ll experience a slight squeeze or pressure.
However, it risks being rejected, just like any surface piercings. Curved barbells are the most popular style of jewelry for horizontal eyebrow piercings.
8. Dimple Piercings

Dimple Piercing is next on our list of the different types of facial piercings. You can still develop dimples even if you weren’t born with them.
This cheek piercing, which goes all the way through your cheek, is located exactly where you would expect the dimples on your face to be.
The hazards associated with cheek piercings are the highest of any face piercings.
For instance, if the jewelry scrapes on your teeth often, you risk hurting them. You are also more vulnerable to infections that cause painful swellings and pus.
These are the longest to recover from, and it can take a full year before you feel fully recovered.
You should immediately anticipate some bleeding and swelling after receiving a dimple piercing.
9. Monroe Piercing

The Monroe piercing, which bears the name of a certain blonde bombshell, is a more sparkling version of Marilyn Monroe’s famous beauty mark.
It only needs a straightforward, flat-back stud for this piercing. You already know how sensitive this skin is if you’ve ever picked at a zit on your upper lip against better judgment.
Even though inserting a needle there could be terrifying, you must get through the one-two punch of the jewelry passing through your new piercing after the needle.
10. Labret Lip Piercing

Labret Lip Piercing is number 10 on our list of the different types of facial piercings.
Lip piercings, known as labrets, can be placed anywhere on your bottom lip or close to it; they do not need to be in the middle of your face.
However, they are optional. A labret lip piercing is a lovely way to adorn your lip or lip line, but you’ll need to give it plenty of time to heal.
11. Snake Bites

On the lower lip, snake bites are two symmetrical piercings. You shouldn’t be too concerned about pain, even if this involves having two needles enter your face simultaneously.
Lip piercings are normally relatively straightforward since it’s soft tissue. On a scale of 1 to 10, only expect discomfort between 2 and 5.
12. Shark Bites

Shark Bites is the last on our list of the different types of facial piercings. When snake bites aren’t enough to harm you, there are shark bites.
Shark bites have two piercings on each side, for a total of four piercings, instead of simply one pair of symmetrical two.
You can have a hoop or labret stud for these, but be aware that getting four piercings at once is a lot.
There are always limits to how much your body can repair at once. Therefore, if you have two, three, or more piercings healing simultaneously, your body is confused, resulting in some extremely irritable and unpleasant piercings.
The following are some pointers for getting face piercings safely:
- Visit a trained piercer.
- Ensure that the piercer maintains a high standard of hygiene, such as sterilizing non-disposable equipment and wearing gloves.
- To lower the risk of infection after piercing, adhere to your piercer’s aftercare guidelines.
- To lower the risk of infection, avoid swimming while your piercing is still healing.
Don’t get a face piercing if:
- You are prone to developing keloid lesions; any stress to the skin, such as piercings, can do so.
- You may be more susceptible to infections because of a persistent medical condition.
- You are using immunosuppressants, which increase your vulnerability to infections.
In conclusion, facial piercings can be a fun way to express yourself, but you must research and take the appropriate safety precautions.
Be sure to choose the right type of piercing for your lifestyle, and always seek out trained professionals to ensure the best results.