Toddlers are known for their excessive energy and attention-seeking gimmicks. If you have a toddler or two at home, you know that keeping them occupied and off your neck is no mean feat.
Their activity level is high, and they need structures to harness that energy in the right direction.
Structuring kids’ play does not have to diminish its enjoyment. There are many fun activities that you can organize to keep your toddler busy.
They can play indoors if it’s winter and more outdoors during summer. The following sensory activities will make their home life fun and engaging, whether inside or outside the house.
Indoor Activities for Toddlers at Home
Sometimes, the weather outside is unfavorable for a little one who wants to play, and sometimes, your toddler doesn’t feel like playing outdoors.
They don’t have to binge-watch their favorite cartoon series on such occasions. The fun activities below will give you an idea of what you can do for and with your toddlers.
Edible Playdough
Most kids enjoy playing with dough both indoors and outdoors. Your toddler can make a lot with play dough.
You can provide the dough and allow them to make what they want. If you’re available to play with them, assigning them to model specific objects will make the game more educational and fun.
The edible dough will be safer if your toddlers are still in the oral stage, where everything goes mouth.
Instead of buying artificial play dough, you can use wheat flour, water, and food coloring to make yours.
Painting and Coloring
Children love coloring and painting, even though it can get pretty messy. Sensory activities that engage their creativity are excellent.
Provide assorted water paints, papers, and crayons for your little ones. Allow them to paint and color different objects of their choice.
Paints can be messy, so ensure the play space and surfaces are lined with paper to minimize the mess. Alternatively, you can set up a place on the balcony for them to have all the fun.
Use Glue to Make Art
Children as young as three can use glue and paper to make beautiful art pieces. You only need to give directions on how to use the glue. Be present so they do not lick or mess up with the glue.
If you help them to apply the glue, they can stick rice, oatmeal, and other particles to make patterns.
Balloon Games
The beauty of balloons is that they come in various colors and sizes. Toddlers love the magic of color, and anything bouncy lights up their mood. You can blow a balloon and use it as a hockey ball for indoor toddler activities.
Custom-make hockey sticks from cartons or any other light material, then have fun with your little ones.
You can also play with flying balloons and encourage your toddlers to catch them. Balloon volleyball games are also a thing; try them out.
Play Fort Using Cardboard Boxes
Toddlers love constructing their tiny playhouses inside the main family house. If you have any empty cardboard boxes, they can use them. You may need to help them in the creation to avoid the wastage of the boxes.
Using scissors or a blade makes some cutouts act as doors and windows for the fort.
Let your toddler use assorted crayons or simple paints to decorate the inside and outside of the fort. There are a lot of fun ideas for making a fun playhouse for your little one.
The players here are primarily girls who love imitating their moms in the kitchen. While cooking real food with your toddlers is okay, play food is safer.
You can help your toddler set up a playing kitchen with small-size utensils and small food portions.
They can use multi-colored noodles and cereals and pretend to be cooking and serving. For such an activity, avoid using real fire or hot water.
Warm water is safe but ensures you warm it yourself. Burns are prevalent among toddlers, so you must take extra caution.
Toy Car Wash
Washing toys can either be done in the house or on the balcony. If you decide to set up in the house, ensure that you minimize water spillage to avoid accidents.
You can use the bathtub or the sink. Put clean, soapy water in the sink, then provide scouring materials.
You may need to keep coming around to wipe off any water on the floor for the toy car wash. Also, have a paper towel or a rug on the floor to absorb spilled water.
Also, if the weather is cold, you can warm the water so your little ones do not get cold.
Indoor Skating
Indoor skating is a fun idea for toddlers. You don’t need sophisticated skating attire or equipment for your kids to have indoor fun. All you need is space and some materials to slide on the floor.
Face towels and paper plates are the standard indoor skating tools. Your kids will place their feet on paper or cloth and then slide onto the floor. Hardwood forms a better skating surface.
Outdoor Activities for Toddlers At Home

If the weather is favorable and everyone is in the mood for outdoor fun activities, go ahead.
Water Play
The most appropriate place for water play is on the balcony or backyard.
You can put a tub of water outside and then let the kids have summer day fun. Toddlers like playing with water with water guns, water bottles, and sprinklers.
Plying fill-the-bucket is also another fun activity. Give each toddler a small cup with all at the bottom, then let them try to fill a bucket with water using the poked cups.
It is a fun game that keeps toddlers busy and develops their motor skills. Making water bubbles is also fun for toddlers.
Backyard Picnic
Simple activities like picnics give toddlers a taste of outdoor fun without going away from home. Involve your kids in setting up the picnic. They can help prepare the snacks or food and then carry them to the site.
Kite Flying
Kite flying never gets old. Toddlers enjoy this outdoor physical activity, and it’s also good for keeping them fit. You can buy kites and fly them in your backyard.
Alternatively, your kids can help you make the kites using locally available materials. To fly a kite, you only need a piece of cardboard, scissors, and thread.
Nature Play
Nature play must be included on the list of activities for toddlers at home. Nature is refreshing and educational, as well.
Let your kids have unstructured fun and physical activity outside. They can play with soil and water or catch butterflies.
Whatever keeps toddlers busy is a fun activity for them. Let them wear their gumboots and jump on the puddles, if any. Active games keep your kids alert.
Bike Riding
Children from the age of two can ride a bike. Bike riding is fun and great motor activity. If you have a backyard, your little ones can enjoy their ride there. It’s safer than out in the wild or on the road.
Non-messy Fun Activities for Toddlers at Home
Indoor toddler activities can be messy, and not everyone can clean up after the kids. If you prefer non-messy indoor activities, the options below will serve you right.
Building Blocks
Building blocks are some of the safest materials for toddler indoor activities. They come in different colors, shapes, and sizes.
Your toddlers can use small blocks to build different shapes out of their imagination. Large blocks make towers and cubicles for your kids to play inside.
Stacking Up
There are many stackable cups that children can use to make towers. Yogurt or juice cups are examples of such cups.
You can show your little ones how to do the stacking, then allow them to experiment with different fun ideas. Toilet paper rolls are also good for stacking up. It’s a simple idea that works.
DIY Musical Instruments
If your toddlers are music lovers, you can teach them how to make musical instruments at home. This activity is good for stirring up their creativity and is also fun, especially if they succeed at it.
You will need plastic containers and metallic plates to make a simple drum set. Bottles and beads make good shakers, too.
Character Dressing
Toddlers can make excellent character players since they are rarely shy. Ask your kids to become any character of their choice and put up an act.
To spice it up, you can provide some costumes and have them dress those characters to the best of their abilities.
Magnet Play
Toddlers can understand the concept of magnetism at their level. If you provide them with magnets and demonstrate in simple terms how magnetism works, they will have a lot of fun. They get to understand that some materials are magnetic while others are not.
Letters, Shapes, and Number Fishing
Get a collection of multi-colored letters, shapes, and numbers and put them in a big container. Your child can sort them out from the container and group the letters together, similar or complementary shapes, and uniform colors.
Your Take Home
Having your little ones around should be a pleasure, not a burden. If you learn to manage their extra energy, you’ll be a happy parent with happy kids. Use the guide above to identify the best activities for toddlers at home and have fun together.