Selenium Sources Of Food
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20 Selenium Sources of Food

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Are you looking for ways to increase your selenium intake? Selenium is a mineral known for its antioxidant properties and essential for human health.

It plays a role in fertility, immunity, metabolism, thyroid health, etc. But where can you get selenium sources of food from? 

Selenium naturally occurs in certain foods but can also be taken as a supplement. The amount of selenium will vary depending on soil type and available minerals.

Consuming adequate selenium helps maintain overall health and reduce degenerative diseases. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the top selenium sources of food that you should include in your diet.

We will also explain what makes them so beneficial and provide nutritional information so you can make informed decisions when building your meal plan.

What Is Selenium?

Selenium food is a form of dietary supplement that contains selenium.

It is primarily used to treat selenium deficiencies in the body and provides various health benefits such as protecting cells from free radical damage, helping with thyroid function, fighting inflammation, boosting immunity and metabolism, and improving red blood cell production. 

Seafood like oysters, shrimp, crabs, and tuna are some of the best sources of selenium, but nuts, beans, and whole grains can also provide a good source.

For people with dietary restrictions or food allergies, it may be beneficial to take Selenium supplements. Let’s check out this list of selenium sources of food now!

Selenium Sources of Food

1. Spinach 

Spinach is one of the most nutrient-rich vegetables on earth and one of the greatest selenium sources of food.

It belongs to the dark, leafy greens family and provides many important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Spinach contains numerous health-promoting nutrients such as folate, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and iron. 

Most notably, though, spinach is known for its high selenium levels. This important trace mineral is essential in various processes throughout the body, such as cognitive functioning and immune system health.

In addition to these benefits, studies have shown that spinach can help reduce inflammation and prevent heart disease due to its antioxidant properties.

Eating more spinach regularly can help you obtain all the essential nutrients your body needs while providing a significant amount of selenium!

2. Milk and Yogurt 

Milk and yogurt are both popular selenium sources of food containing other essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.

Selenium is an important trace mineral that plays a vital role in the functioning of different systems in the body.

It helps in boosting immunity, brain function, and spine health. Also, it helps control inflammation by decreasing oxidative stress. 

Research has also indicated that milk and yogurt are some of the few natural sources of selenium available to us today.

These dairy products contain significant selenium, which our bodies can easily absorb when consumed regularly.

Therefore, including milk and yogurt in your diet is important to ensure proper selenium intake for optimum health.

3. Lentils 

Lentils are fantastic selenium sources of food, with one serving providing 10% of the recommended daily dose.

Selenium plays an integral role in many bodily functions, from supporting reproductive health and fertility to helping to regulate metabolism and performing a key role in antioxidant activity.

Lentils also provide protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. 

They are an excellent addition to any diet as they can be cooked quickly and add nutritional value to any meal.

Additionally, their mild flavor profile makes them versatile enough for any dietary needs.

So whether using them in salads, soups, or as part of a main dish, lentils will surely make your plate vibrant and nutritious while adding great flavor!

4. Cashews 

Cashews are also great selenium sources of food, an essential mineral for human health. Just one ounce of cashews can contain up to 28 mcg of essential minerals.

Selenium is known for its ability to help reduce inflammation in the body and serve as an antioxidant.

Furthermore, it also plays a key role in healthy immune system functioning and helps protect cells from oxidative damage that can lead to age-related diseases.

Cashew intake has been linked to a better metabolism, improved thyroid function, and protection against certain diseases.

Diseases such as cancer and heart disease; protection from age-related macular degeneration; and improved digestion.

5. Oatmeal 

Oatmeal is a great source of selenium, an important mineral that helps support the immune system and supports optimal thyroid function.

It’s a trace element with antioxidant effects necessary for normal growth, development, and cognitive function.

The recommended daily amount of selenium is typically around 55 mcg per day for adults. 

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A cup of cooked oatmeal provides about 9 mcg of selenium—roughly 16% of the recommended daily intake (RDI).

Furthermore, unlike many other selenium sources of food, oats are reasonably low in calories yet still provide decent amounts of fiber and essential vitamins and minerals.

Oats also make a filling breakfast or snack option when prepared correctly. 

Eating oatmeal may help reduce inflammation due to its high content of antioxidants such as avenanthramides.

Including oatmeal in your diet can help maintain healthy levels of inflammation-promoting compounds throughout the body and improve overall health.

6. Mushrooms 

If you are looking for selenium sources of food, not all mushrooms are suitable for the presence of selenium.

Certain species have been found to contain high levels of this mineral, including yellow chanterelles and porcini mushrooms.

These fungi can be consumed as a food source or taken as an extract or a supplement.

Selenium is beneficial for its antioxidant properties, which can help protect the body from free radical damage, reduce inflammation, and improve cardiovascular health. 

Studies also show that regulating cell growth can boost immunity and help prevent cancer. It is also essential in properly functioning certain enzymes and hormones in the body.

Mushrooms are one of the few plant sources of selenium trimmings. They may be a healthy alternative to synthetic supplements for those looking to increase their intake of this important mineral.

7. Baked Beans 

Baked beans are one of the main natural selenium sources of food, an essential trace mineral with many important health benefits.

It can promote a healthy immune system and offer antioxidant protection against free radicals. It also aids in proper thyroid functioning and helps to maintain a healthy metabolism.

In addition, research has shown that adequate selenium intake could help reduce cancer risk. 

Baked beans contain 0.76 milligrams (mg) of selenium per 100 grams (g), making them an excellent option for getting your daily dose of this important mineral.

Baked beans undoubtedly offer excellent nourishment for those who include them in their diets in moderate amounts.

Not only are they rich in selenium production, but they are also a great source of protein and fiber!

8. Sunflower Seeds 

Talk about excellent selenium sources of food; sunflower seeds are one, with just a one-ounce serving providing close to 20% of the recommended daily value.

Selenium has various beneficial properties, ranging from antioxidant benefits to supporting healthy bones, skin, and thyroid health.

Sunflower seeds also provide trace minerals such as magnesium and manganese, which can add additional health benefits to your diet.

So if you’re looking for a way to incorporate more selenium into your diet in a delicious manner, then sunflower seeds are an excellent option.

You only need a sprinkle of these crunchy seeds on your salads or breakfast bowls for a potent nutritional punch.

9. Brown Rice 

Brown rice is undoubtedly one of the best selenium sources of food – an essential dietary mineral important for proper immune responses and fertility.

Selenium protects the body from oxidative damage while promoting healthy nerve cell turnover.

Brown rice contains more selenium than white or colored rice due to its higher fiber content, which helps make it more nutrient-rich. 

Nutrients like selenium found in brown rice help facilitate overall well-being by aiding digestion and helping to reduce inflammation, and assisting in weight loss.

Moreover, studies have suggested that incorporating brown rice into the diet can reduce symptoms related to metabolic syndrome due to its significant number of antioxidants – this is not found in significantly lesser amounts with white or colored rice varieties.

Therefore, brown rice, over other varieties, can offer increased potential health benefits and a more substantial long-term nutritional value.

10. Eggs

Eggs are one of the best selenium sources of food out there. Selenium is a vital nutrient our body needs to improve health and immunity.

Selenium is important in maintaining overall health as it regulates hormones, boosts metabolism, and maintains healthy skin and nails.

Eggs are recognized for their high protein content but are also rich in selenium, with each egg containing 8–14 mcg of selenium, which covers your daily requirement of 55 mcg. 

Also, eggs provide other essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, magnesium, potassium, and copper, for optimal immune system functioning.

Furthermore, the cholesterol in eggs is linked with LDL cholesterol decreasing benefits, helping to manage your blood pressure level too!

In short, eggs are a great source of selenium for our bodies – providing both selenium and other secondary benefits such as a balanced diet, improved immunity, and healthier blood pressure levels!

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11. Cottage Cheese 

Cottage cheese is also one of the best selenium sources of food. As an essential mineral, it promotes tissue health and immunity.

Selenium deficiency has been linked to various ailments, including weakened bone health.

Cottage cheese is rich in biologically active forms of selenium and other minerals like zinc, copper, and manganese.

Also, it contains plenty of essential amino acids and carbohydrates which provide energy for daily activities.

Eating cottage cheese regularly may help to improve heart health, reduce inflammation, protect against cancer, and protect against age-related vision loss due to the concentration of antioxidants present in this dairy product.

Cottage cheese is a tasty and easy way to give your body a healthy dose of selenium daily!

12. Chicken 

Still on this list of selenium sources of food, chicken is an excellent source of the mineral selenium.

It contains about 54 micrograms per serving, over 75% of the daily recommended amount for adults.

Selenium helps your body to create more antioxidant enzymes and can help support healthy immune function. 

Furthermore, selenium also helps with proper hormone regulation, making it a key nutrient for overall health.

Eating chicken regularly as part of a balanced diet is important to ensure you get enough selenium.

The best way to maximize the intake of this mineral is by eating organic, free-range chickens since they are raised without hormones and antibiotics. 

Eating organic chicken, also one of the selenium sources of food, ensures more nutrients are retained in the meat compared to non-organic counterparts.

Make sure to cook chicken properly and enjoy it frequently as part of your meal plan for better overall health and wellness!

13. Turkey 

Turkey is a great source of selenium, with abundant minerals in the soil. It is one of the few countries globally that can provide a high-quality and specific grade of this essential element.

Selenium helps to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, increasing immunity and protecting the cellular health of our body.

Not to forget, it is also on this list of selenium sources of food.

Selenium has powerful antioxidant effects that help reduce inflammation in the body, fight against free radicals, guard against diseases caused by them, such as cancer, and aid cognitive functions.

Turkey is also rich in selenium-containing foods like eggs, seafood, nuts, wheat grains, and some vegetables grown on its fertile lands, making it ideal for providing adequate amounts of this mineral for people all around Europe.

14. Beef 

Beef is a great source of selenium, an essential nutrient the body uses to protect cells and fight infection.

Beef contains a range of other important minerals, too. Selenium helps to protect against disease and defends the body from cancer-causing damage.

As one of the selenium sources of food, it also plays a role in maintaining eye health. 

Generally, beef is a great choice for getting enough selenium into your diet.

Additionally, beef is one of the richest sources of bioavailable iron and zinc, two important nutrients in which many diets are deficient.

Eating ample beef can keep your whole body healthy and functioning properly. Takking all these benefits into consideration, it becomes clear why beef should be included as part of a balanced diet for its nutritional value and overall health benefit.

15. Pork 

Without thinking twice, pork is also known to be one of the great selenium sources of food.

Selenium is an essential mineral that helps our bodies stay healthy and strong, as it helps to regulate metabolism and protect us from diseases.

It also assists with fertility and can help improve cognitive performance.

Pork provides an excellent source of selenium, with one standard 3-ounce serving giving you around 12-14 micrograms per serving, which is about 18-20% of the daily value for this beneficial nutrient. 

Because pork is high in protein, it’s also a great way to satisfy hunger without relying on less nutritious options like processed foods or empty calories.

Eating pork regularly can provide enough nutrients to keep your body functioning at its peak performance level while keeping your cravings in check.

Selenium found in pork has been proven to reduce the risk of stroke and other heart-related diseases, so eating more pork can be an easy and delicious way to keep yourself healthy!

16. Enriched Foods

Enriched foods are an effective way of obtaining selenium and other micronutrients into the body.

Many grains and cereals have been enriched with either selenium or 20 milligrams of selenomethionine, a form of selenium that does not factor into any dietary reference intake (DRI) needs but is still easily absorbed by the body and provides health benefits.

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Other enriched foods include tofu, fish, halibut and shrimp, legumes, eggs, mushrooms, and other dairy products. 

Enriched food sources make up the majority of people’s dietary intake of selenium.

These selenium sources of food can help ensure that people get their recommended daily intake for this important mineral which helps to protect against oxidative damage from free radicals and helps to regulate thyroid function.

Thus, helping keep metabolic processes running smoothly.

17. Ham 

Ham is an excellent source of selenium. Described by the Harvard School of Public Health as “an essential trace mineral,” selenium is important for growth, reproduction, and thyroid hormone metabolism.

One serving (3oz) of ham provides approximately 59 mcg/selenium, approximately 82% of an adult’s daily value.

It’s worth noting that ham contains some of the highest amounts of selenium in the animal kingdom compared to other meats and fish. 

In addition to the high levels of selenium, ham supplies many minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium, which are also essential for numerous metabolic functions in the body.

Ham can be added to a balanced diet in various ways, whether eaten as breakfast or fresh from a deli as part of lunch or dinner.

It’s easy to see why ham is one of the excellent selenium sources of food – especially for vegetarians who may not have many alternatives for getting their daily dose.

18. Brazil Nuts

One of the selenium sources of food, Brazil Nuts, is a unique and nutrient-dense nut.

They are especially known for their amazing selenium content, containing up to 500 micrograms per serving.

Selenium is an important trace mineral with many positive benefits for the body, such as helping with energy production, protection against oxidative damage, improved thyroid and brain hormone synthesis, and boosting immunity. 

Brazil nuts are also low in carbohydrates and fairly high in monounsaturated fats, making them an excellent source of nourishment.

In addition to this, they provide us with other essential nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, and B vitamins.

Brazil nuts offer numerous benefits for health and well-being and should be incorporated into a balanced diet to gain the full range of selenium’s blessings

19. Fish 

Fish is an excellent source of selenium and can provide the body with essential amounts of this trace mineral.

Selenium plays a key role in several bodily activities, including protecting cells from oxidative damage and assisting in producing hormones and enzymes.

Fish, one of the selenium sources of food, provides more than any other food source, especially cold-water fish such as mackerel, tuna, salmon, halibut, and sardines. 

Selenium is fat soluble, so it tends to accumulate more in fatty fish; however, it can also be found in smaller quantities in various non-fatty fish.

The recommended daily intake for adults is 55 micrograms per day and can be easily obtained by eating two or three servings of fish per week.

Additionally, since selenium may interact with other medications, speak to your doctor or registered dietitian before supplementing with selenium if you are unsure about your dietary intake levels

20. Bananas 

Bananas are likewise excellent selenium sources of food. Selenium is a trace mineral important for good health and plays a role in energy production, thyroid health, and immunity.

It’s believed to help protect against cell damage caused by free radicals.

Selenium also helps reduce inflammation by activating antioxidants, which can protect your cells from any damage and prevent chronic diseases associated with inflammation. 

A single banana provides 5% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of selenium – so if you have a few bananas every day, it’s likely that you will get enough selenium.

Bananas also contain high levels of magnesium, potassium, vitamins B6 and C, and dietary fiber, making them an incredibly nutritious fruit choice.


Selenium is an essential trace mineral vital for maintaining a healthy body. It is found in many food sources, including Brazil nuts, seafood, and whole grains.

Additionally, it can be obtained in supplement form if dietary sources are inadequate.

Selenium also plays an important role in metabolizing hormones and protecting against oxidative damage by acting as an antioxidant. 

Supplementation of selenium may benefit individuals with low levels or those at risk of deficiency due to their environment or medical condition.

While natural foods are the primary source of selenium, supplementation can help support normal levels of this important nutrient in individuals who need it.

We hope this list of the best selenium sources of food was helpful!

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