
17 Practical Ways to Prepare for Fatherhood

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Whether you’ve been waiting for this moment for years or it’s hitting you as a shock, fatherhood is one life-defining process. The role of a father is critical and can’t belong to anyone else but you.

However, it is normal to have mixed feelings—either joy or terror—even if you’ve always wanted something.

Having the feeling that you’re entirely prepared to become a father is difficult.

Nevertheless, some ideas are in place for you as you look forward to your child’s birth and prepare for the exciting-yet-exhausting, fun-yet-tiring moments to come.

1. Do Your Homework

The fact that you’re not the baby’s physical carrier doesn’t mean you’re not part of the whole pregnancy and birth experience.

The same thing applies to those going for adoption or surrogacy – there are various ways to get and feel involved.

There are many books out there, written especially for expectant fathers – and the fun part is you don’t have to be limited to those alone.

You can also sign up for a pregnancy newsletter or participate in online groups.

Start doing your research as soon as you notice pregnancy symptoms such as heartburn or morning sickness in your partner—understanding how and what your partner feels helps you provide better support even as she carries your child.

Knowing the exact things to expect during labor, birth, and caring for the newborn would make the entire experience much easier because you have taken the time to do some research.

You could also read about cesarean and vaginal deliveries, diaper changing, breastfeeding, and many more.

2. Focus on Your Health

Before the arrival of your newborn, you must focus on your health. If you have the habit of smoking, try as much as possible to quit the habit.

Studies have shown that exposure to smoke during pregnancy increases the chance of congenital heart defects in babies.

How would you rate your eating habits on a scale of one to ten (with ten being the highest)? Eating well now will provide you with all the energy you need to brace the long days (and nights especially!) of new parenting.

You could consider healthy swaps or adding fiber-packed and immune-boosting foods to your diet.

If you’ve not visited your health practitioner for a while, you should consider scheduling an appointment to be up to date on your vaccinations, such as whooping cough.

3. Talk to Your Co-parent About Parenting

Now is the best time to talk about the kind of parents you both want to be to your child. Are you both in support of breastfeeding? (support from the father is vital for breastfeeding success.) Will you both be working?

Would the baby have to sleep in a crib in a separate room? What plans do you both have regarding childcare?

Remember that these things are still in the planning phase for both of you. Your feelings may change upon the baby’s arrival.

Breastfeeding might become more challenging than you thought, or you may want to think twice about diapering.

Some things still won’t seem necessary to discuss yet. Nevertheless, they are still relevant.

Discussions on discipline, regarding spanking and other forms of punishment, should also be addressed beforehand to avoid overpampering your children as they grow.

Starting the discussion now, ensure that communication lines are open and not abridged. It also helps you and your co-parent to be on the same parenting page.

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4. Work as a Team

You and your co-parent must work as a team. Even if the romantic relationship with your partner doesn’t continue, you should always remember that you, your partner, and the newborn are connected for life.

You must understand the value of teamwork in parenting your newborn and stop acting like you’re in competition.

If the baby’s carrier is dealing with morning sickness and feels exhausted, helping them also means helping yourself and the baby.

You could check in on them daily, pick up the housekeeping duties, and feed them what they can eat. This would go a long way toward showing that you care and support your family.

5. Speak Up When in Doubt

Fatherhood requires that you engage with your partner. When you’re unsure about something—even the simplest things—ask your partner about it.

Talk to them about how you feel and your opinion concerning a particular thing, and ask them the same.

You both are getting to know this baby at the same time and also getting to know each other in this new setting, so asking out loud can help clear doubts.

6. Decide on the Kind of Father You Want to Be

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a great father. But if you were among the lucky ones, you may want to emulate him, which is fantastic.

If you weren’t lucky enough to have a great dad, you might get nervous about playing the role of father.

Whichever way you choose, you are responsible for choosing the type of father you want to be to your child.

Decide on your parenting approach. You can also inspire yourself from other men you see as fatherhood role models.

Remember, you’re creating this role from the beginning; therefore, it is solely up to you to decide how you want it to be.

7. Find Fellow Dads

Adding some fellow dads to your friend’s list is also a great idea as you gear up for the great task ahead.

When you have someone that is conversant with the challenges that come with parenthood, it provides an avenue for you to ask questions and air out your experiences concerning becoming a dad.

There are church groups and online groups where you can find other dads.

8. Ensure You Go for the Appointment Whenever You Can

One way to feel excited about the pregnancy is to attend the prenatal appointment. The feeling of seeing your baby on the ultrasound and other routine checks can also help you connect with the pregnancy and find out what to expect.

Here, you can learn how your baby is developing, ask your questions to clear doubts, and find out what your partner is going through.

Even if work and any other activity prevent you from attending all appointments, you must talk to your partner about scheduling time that allows you to be present more often. This can also continue during newborn check-ups.

9. Know That There May Be a Change in Your Sex Life

As you become a parent, your sex life definitely changes. You might feel a range of emotions as you know your partner is expecting a baby.

You may feel confused, intensely attached to them, desiring the involvement of sex, or having an uneasy feeling of doing something that might affect the pregnancy. Whatever the emotion is, open communication is important.

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You’ll definitely hear many jokes about how the body changes during pregnancy or how your sex life is over.

These talks aren’t helpful as they tend to neglect the emotional complexity of sex and parenthood.

The fact is sex after pregnancy will take time – this is not the usual suggested six weeks of recovery for physical healing after labor and delivery.

However, it is important to be sensitive to all the changes you both face, such as breastfeeding, lack of sleep, and the emotional impact of having a new child.

You should also discuss with your partner about their needs and your own when it comes to sex and intimacy.

Who says sex after childbirth can’t be exciting? It can even be better, as it connects both partners in ways they’ve never been. The shared parenting experience also brings them much closer and strengthens the bond.

10. Celebrate the Milestones

Oftentimes, the progress of pregnancy and celebrations like baby showers are centered on the pregnant person alone, but you are also part of the whole process.

You and your partner can decide to go shopping, get items for the coming baby, host a fun co-ed shower, take lots of pictures during the pregnancy phase, and write down how you feel.

11. Accept Your Place in the Preparations

There’s a lot to do before the baby arrives—and it goes beyond just carrying the child. You need to tackle a couple of things, including —but not limited to—saving money, researching child’s care, creating a registry, preparing a space, and so many more.

You may discover your strengths and weaknesses on the way—the tasks you can handle with ease and those that require more effort. Who knows, you might even enjoy the whole process.

Ensure you get involved in different things regarding preparing for your new baby. Here is a list of suggestions you might want to consider:

  • Take a class on birth or breastfeeding with your co-parent
  • Learn how to install and use the baby car seat – volunteer to teach each other
  • Speak with your employer about your leave options
  • Do some research on the best baby carriers or formula
  • Make phone calls about childcare and insurance
  • Pack the hospital bag
  • Put furniture in place or paint the room

12. Perform the Role of the Communicator When Needed

The arrival of a new baby can bring either the best or worst out of people. Remember, we used the word TEAM? It’s you, your co-parent, and the child.

It is your team’s responsibility to decide on certain things, such as the birth of the child, how soon to have guests, the number of guests to invite over, and other decisions.

If your choices are questioned by family or friends, it’s important you man up and speak your mind.

Setting boundaries is healthy and normal. If you want to celebrate your child’s arrival by welcoming everyone you know to your house, it’s okay and totally up to you.

However, if you decide to limit the number of visitors and spend time as a family, it’s equally up to you and fine. As a family, you decide to inform others about what you will and won’t do.

13. Advocate for your co-parent

This doesn’t apply solely to family gatherings. You could also speak up for them during labor, ask questions during appointments, check for signs of postpartum depression, and help them seek professional help.

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You could also do what you can to support them in their decisions to either stay at home or return to work.

Remember, you’re a strong force in supporting their health, and of course, having two healthy and strong parents is definitely good for your baby.

14. Portion Out Duties

You might have been together during the pregnancy phase, but ensure that you stay involved even when the baby arrives.

It’s understandable to feel like you’re left out during the early days, most especially when your partner is breastfeeding, and it gets you feeling like your role isn’t important. So that you know, it is.

There are diverse ways you can get involved in caring for your newborn and not feel left out, such as

  • Giving baths
  • Reading to your baby
  • diaper changing (not just during the day but in the middle of the night as well)
  • Doing chores like laundry and dishes. You can also babywear while you go about with the chores
  • Bottlefeed the baby – if they are exclusively breastfed, care for them before and after mealtime.
  • Pick a song to sing to them at bedtime
  • Get snacks and drinks for your co-parent
  • Ensure you spend time skin-to-skin with your baby to build a secure attachment.

15. Maintain Your Sense of Humor

Although parenting is mussy, challenging, tiring, and complicated, it is also thrilling, fun, and satisfying.

The ability to laugh often is vital in getting through these moments, be it good or bad.

Even if the diapers appear to be a blowout, you haven’t had enough sleep, or you accidentally poured breast milk into your tea, just laugh everything off. It will help you get through every one of the challenges.

16. Sleep

You need sleep, your co-parent needs sleep, your baby needs sleep—the whole team needs sleep.

There are different ways to approach sleep, but it might take some experimenting to figure out the one that works best for your family.

The important thing is that everyone should get some sleep.

You and your co-parent should take naps whenever you can and sleep in shifts to handle the chores and other responsibilities while the other person is having a break. However you handle it, ensure that everyone gets a chance to sleep.

17. Know Your Importance to Your Baby

There will definitely be many stages in your newborn’s life where you might feel unplugged or less important.

Returning to work might be hard, and you might feel like a secondary caregiver, but working outside the home doesn’t make you less of a great dad—you’re still your family’s provider.

There will be moments for you to shine in your newborn’s life, especially when they hold your fingers for the first time, say ‘dada,’ or even when they want no other person but you to sing them their special song.

Fatherhood is all about being in it for the long haul. Being present in your baby’s life is a gift you give to them and yourself always.


Remembering and accepting that there are times when your child will prefer or need your partner instead of you will make you less likely to draw back when you’re not needed.

Stay physically and emotionally present. Ensure you’re available for your child and partner, and don’t stop showing up. They need you at any given moment, even more than you imagine.

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