Peeing when you laugh is caused by a sudden increase in abdominal pressure, such as cough or extreme exercise, which is termed “stress or urinary incontinence”. Usually, urine leaves the body only when the bladder is deliberately drained.
In stress urinary incontinence, during a laugh, cough, sneeze, jump, etc., urine leaves the bladder suddenly.
This is because the power of the bladder outlet; the urethra, is weaker and can no longer keep the outlet shut when the pressure on the bladder increases.
This is not natural and suggests a ‘door’ vulnerability, which can develop over time, making the leakage more frequent.
The weakness of the urethra can result from the loss of strength of the supporting muscles known as the pelvic floor muscles. They are the same ones you squeeze while trying to prevent the flow of urine.
Some other cause of the ‘door’ bladder weakness is a lack of connective tissue strength that supports the urethra and lower bladder.
The connective tissue acts as a strong hammock that holds in the best position the urethra and the bladder.
Once the muscles of the pelvic floor become weak, or the support of the hammock loses its strength, leakage of stress may occur. We will share some steps that can help you.
Some food and beverages the cause bladder irritation
Prevent food and beverages that irritate your bladder. A wide range of foods and drinks can irritate the bladder or act as a diuretic (which will make you pee more often).
You can react to some of these options, but not all of them. Try to remove them from your diet and find out which ones raise the incontinence of your stress.
Some popular options that increase the incontinence of stress include; caffeine, carbonated drinks, citrus, chocolate, alcohol, and spicy foods.
Smoking can also irritate your bladder, leading to overactive symptoms and increased incidence of stress incontinence, in addition to a wide range of other health complications.
Most smokers often develop a chronic cough that may lead to more leakage. For most smokers, attempting to stop smoking cold turkey rarely works.
Taking advantage of the smoking cessation aids available, such as nicotine patches and gum, and help groups to overcome your tobacco addiction.
Further information on smoking cessation can be found in articles about how to stop smoking.
Exercise more
Extra weight could place increased pressure on the muscles of your bladder and pelvic floor. Professionals consider a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher overweight (with 30 meaning obese). Just moderate weight loss can lead to drastic symptom improvement.
Five days a week, a good workout routine to lose extra pounds requires 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity such as brisk walking or cycling. When you prefer high-intensity workouts such as playing sports, you should aim for 75 minutes a week.
Keep in mind that weight training is less effective than aerobic exercise in burning calories. In addition, by increasing the strength of your pelvic floor, repetitive heavy lifting can increase stress incontinence.
Many doctors suggest that if you have signs of stress incontinence while exercising like walking, you should wear a tampon as this helps in the vagina. Try not to remove the tampon to avoid toxic shock syndrome.
Minimize the intake of fluids
If after eliminating bladder-irritating beverages, you still have occurrences, then try to reduce your overall intake of fluid; however, do not risk dehydration.
If you already drink more than the suggested eight to ten glasses of water a day, just reduce the amount of fluid you drink.
Limit the amount of liquid you drink after 4:00 if you have problems in the evening and night.
See your doctor if it continues
If it doesn’t get better from home steps or if the leakage starts to interfere with your daily life activities, then make an appointment with your doctor.
Your doctor will have access to a variety of steps based on your case’s severity and other specifics, including both medicines and severe instances.
Give a complete description of your medical history to your doctor and tell your doctor what measures you have already taken.