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13 Ways to Increase Fertility

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There are ways one can increase their fertility, some of which are; Antioxidants foods. To increase fertility, both males and females should eat food rich in antioxidants.

Foods like fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables contain beneficial antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E, folate, etc., which improve fertility in both males and females.

These antioxidants get rid of free radicals in the body that could damage egg cells and sperm.

1. Big breakfast

Eating a big breakfast has been shown to help females with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Research has revealed that eating a large breakfast improves the hormonal effects of PCOS, which is a significant cause of infertility.

Eating a big breakfast helps to reduce insulin levels by 8% and testosterone levels by 50%. High levels of either lead to infertility. However, eating a more extensive breakfast without reducing the portion of evening meals would lead to weight gain.

2. Trans fats

Reduce the intake of trans fats. Although healthy fats are needed to boost fertility and the overall health of a person, trans fats increase infertility in females due to their negative effects on insulin sensitivity. Additionally, trans fats are commonly found in hydrogenated vegetable oils present in baked goods, processed products, margarine, and fried foods.

3. Carbs

You should choose your carbs wisely. The number of carbs intakes daily should be watched as well as the type of carbs consumed. Low carbs diet help to maintain a healthy weight, encourages fat loss, thus helping menstrual regularity and reducing insulin level, improving the hormone levels in women with PCOS.

While avoiding refined carbs can increase chances of pregnancy, refined carbs found in sugary foods, sugary drinks, rice, bread, and white pasta are problematic. They are quickly absorbed, causing a rise in insulin levels and blood sugar. Insulin is chemically similar to ovarian hormones.

An increase in insulin would cause the body to produce fewer reproductive hormones, which will lead to a lack of egg maturity and ovulation.

4. Fiber

Eating more fiber helps the body rid excess hormones and balance blood sugar. Some types of fiber help rid the body of excess estrogen as a waste product. Fiber present in fruits, oats, avocados, and sweet potatoes helps lower estrogen and progesterone.
Protein sources.

Getting protein from various sources helps reduce the risk of infertility. Exchanging some animal protein such as meat, fish, and eggs for plant protein such as beans and nuts helps reduce the risk of infertility.

5. Dairy foods

Taking low-fat dairy foods can increase the risk of infertility while taking high-fat dairy foods can reduce the risk. Moreover, research shows that women who take in more high-fat dairy a day are 27% less likely to be infertile. Additionally, high dairy foods include whole milk and full-fat yogurt.

6. Multivitamins

Taking multivitamins helps to reduce ovulatory infertility. Moreover, research has shown that 20% of ovulatory infertility could be avoided if women take 3 or more multivitamins per week.

The micro-nutrients found in multivitamins are essential for infertility. However, women trying to get pregnant should take multivitamins containing folate.

7. Exercise

Exercise is very beneficial to health, including increased fertility. Increased physical activity helps increase fertility in both men and women, especially those with obesity.

However, excess high-intensity exercise leads to decreased fertility in some women. This might change the energy balance in the body and negatively affect the reproductive system. Hence, training should be done in moderation.

8. Manage your stress level

Thinking about conceiving alone can be pretty stressful, and increased stress levels decrease the chances of getting pregnant. Stress changes your hormones. Thus, it is essential to take time to relax. Moreover, research has shown that stress can suppress fertility.

9. Caffeine

There is no conclusive evidence on the relationship between caffeine and fertility. However, research has shown that women who consume more caffeine daily take a longer time to conceive. So, to be on the safer side, cut your caffeine intake when trying to conceive.

10. Weight

Weight is quite influential in the fertility of both men and women. Being overweight or underweight reduces infertility for both genders. So, aiming and maintaining a healthy weight is very important.

Moreover, for women, the amount of fat in the body influences menstrual function. Obesity is associated with lack of ovulation, impaired egg development, and menstrual irregularity.

11. Iron supplements

Taking iron supplements and non-heme iron, which comes from plant-based foods, decreases ovulatory infertility. Making sure your iron level is solid is very good, and since non-heme iron sources are difficult to absorb in the body, it should be taken with foods or drinks high in vitamin C for easy absorption.

12. Alcohol

Excess alcohol consumption hurts fertility. Moreover, research in 2016 shows that people who take more than 14 alcoholic drinks per week take longer to get pregnant. So, it is beneficial to take alcohol in moderation.

13. Natural supplements

Some natural supplements have been known to increase fertility, especially in animal studies. However, talk to your doctor before taking any of these natural supplements.

For example, Bee pollen has helped improve immunity, nutrition, sperm quality, and fertility in men. Bee propolis has also helped women with endometriosis; a study shows that women who take bee propolis twice a day for nine months increase their chances of getting pregnant by 40%. Also, maca has been shown to increase sperm levels in men.

This article has made it clear that infertility does not mean the person is broken. It happens to a lot of men and women. Moreover, talking about infertility and other options for having a child should not be seen as taboo. It could help someone get treatment.

Additionally, you want to be careful when asking a person, “Don’t you want a child? When are you starting a family?”, it could be that the person is trying and can’t conceive.

Also, most people experiencing infertility would instead tell you, “No. I don’t want a child,” then explain what they are going through, so it is better not to ask such questions.

Furthermore, celebrities are also humans, and some of these Nigerian celebrities who had infertility or are suffering from infertility do not need “womb watchers.” We should never forget that all ways of having a child (IVF treatments, surrogacy, or adoption) is beautiful, and none should be seen as inferior. You can also apply the various ways one can use to increase fertility found in this article.

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