Gluten is a combination of proteins found naturally in cereal grains like wheat, rye, barley, and crossbreeds of these grains.
Gluten is the component that gives shape, strength, and texture to grain products.
What is a Gluten-free Noodle?
A gluten-free noodle is made without wheat or gluten ingredients; corn, rice, or even potato flour replaces the gluten products.
Some gluten-free Asia noodles are not just gluten-free but also try to retain the natural taste of a gluten-free noodle.
So, they are healthy for those with gluten intolerance and taste delicious.
As we progress in this article, we will learn about the different types of gluten-free Asian noodles. But first, let’s examine why people choose gluten-free noodles.
Why Do People Go for Gluten-Free Noodles?
The thing is, there are three reasons people go for gluten-free noodles.
One is allergy; people diagnosed with celiac disease are allergic to gluten products as it affects them strongly.
Moreover, the disease cannot be cured but only managed by consuming gluten-free food. Another reason is intolerance.
Some people experience a less severe reaction to gluten. But then, that impacts their decision as it causes them discomfort. Also, some people go gluten-free because it’s a lifestyle for them.
According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), gluten-free noodles contain no more than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten.
Gluten-free Asia Noodles
The appeal of these different gluten-free noodles isn’t limited to those on gluten-free diets.
The types of gluten-free Asia noodles to be explored in this article are:
1. Shirataki Noodles

Shirataki noodles are one of the different types of gluten-free Asian noodles available, and they have strong roots in Japanese cuisine.
Made from the starch of a tuber vegetable that looks like yam, the noodles are full of fiber and, hence, really satisfying.
The starch is mixed with lime water and minced to form shirataki noodles.
On their own, the noodles aren’t very tasty, but like most gluten-free Asian noodles, Shirataki noodles taste delicious when topped with veggies and proteins or mixed in a sauce or other ingredients.
One can get these noodles from major grocery stores or health food stores.
2. Soba Noodles

Another gluten-free Asian noodle type is Soba Noodles, made from buckwheat flour and water. They are thin and enriched with proteins and fiber.
It is worth noting that buckwheat is gluten-free, and safe Soba noodles are usually labeled as 100% buckwheat soba.
So, always check the label to ensure that what you are about to purchase is gluten-free, as some Soba Noodles sometimes have a small quantity of regular wheat flour.
The noodles have amazing flavors. They are slurry, taste great, and can be enjoyed in hot or cold dishes.
3. Cellophane Noodles

Among the types of gluten-free Asian noodles is the cellophane noodle.
Cellophane noodles are made from vegetable starch, including mung bean, potato, and sweet potato, and they come in different varieties.
The glass noodle is one cellophane noodle consumed well in Asia cuisine.
The glass noodles, made from mung beans and looking transparent, are chewy and have a tepid flavor.
Because it can absorb ingredients easily, it tastes terrific when used in a saucy dish.
Another cellophane noodle type is dangmyeon, which is made from sweet potato starch.
This noodle is not as absorbent as glass noodles, but it also tastes nice and is used in stir-fries.
4. Rice Noodles

Regarding Asian cuisine, rice is considered an everyday staple; it is little wonder that some cultures would make noodles out of it.
Made from rice flour and water, this is one of the different types of gluten-free Asian noodles made predominantly from rice.
Although, it is advisable to carefully check the ingredients list as some might contain wheat flour.
There are different types of gluten-free Asian rice noodles ranging in freshness, thickness, and shape.
They can be used in stir-fry and soup dishes. You decide what and how to consume this gluten-free noodle. Don’t forget that these noodles cook fast. Hence, it is important to watch out so you don’t overcook.
5. Kelp Noodles

Kelp noodles are a type of gluten-free Asian noodles, and amazingly, they are also low in carbs and calories.
As the name suggests, kelp noodles are made from seaweed. Amazingly, I can tell you something like this could be made from seaweed.
Just like the Shirataki noodles, this noodle is also flavorless. They are crunchy and translucent. The noodles can be cooked in stir-fries and soups or eaten raw in salads.
For some people, practicing a gluten-free diet seems daunting; some do this because they are trying to manage celiac disease, and others handle other types of medical conditions associated with gluten.
For some, a gluten-free diet is a matter of choice and trend.
Nevertheless, for noodle lovers, be assured that there are different gluten-free Asian noodles; some are chewy and taste just as good as regular noodles.
For others, you need to garnish them with lots of vegetables and proteins to enjoy them. So, no loss there. Go ahead and enjoy gluten-free Asia noodles.