Geckos are one of the best reptiles that one can decide to keep as a pet. The reasons aren’t so far-fetched as geckos are docile, warm, friendly, relatively easy to care for and live with people.
Most geckos are beautifully patterned and colorful, making them a beautiful side attraction in the home.
However, there are plenty of geckos; as such, people find it challenging to pick out the type of gecko they would prefer to have as a pet.
This is why we have compiled a list of the world’s best types of geckos to own, which we hope will help you search for your gecko pet.
1. Mediterranean House Gecko

First on our list of types of geckos is the Mediterranean House Gecko, also commonly referred to as the moon gecko.
These geckos are considered to be nocturnal(seen mostly at night); specifically, they are best seen some hours after midnight.
The moon gecko is 4-5 inches long and has a lifespan of 5-10years.
They have tan-colored skin splashed with dark spots; however, some species have been seen to have a mix of purple colors in their skin.
Like most lizards, the moon gecko has lidless eyes and long, tactical digits that help them in their journey around the world.
Like other types of nocturnal geckos, the moon gecko is always attracted to light. Therefore, they tend to hang around places where they might have free food.
However, it must be noted that the Mediterranean House Gecko prefers insects.
Like their names, this type of gecko is usually seen within the Mediterranean region(mainly southern Europe and Northern Africa).
They have a wide natural distribution, but mostly, they prefer to stick to the coastal areas with plenty of spaces and places they can use as shelter.
Because they are one of the most popular types of geckos, you would find that they are almost always bred in captivity.
As a result of this, they can be found on most continents around the globe.
These types of geckos like to stay hidden and keep a low profile. An excellent characteristic of moon geckos is that they naturally resist pesticides.
As a result, they are quite difficult to kill, and their species keep thriving even in the harshest places.
2. Leopard Gecko

The Leopard Gecko is one of the most common geckos you would see around the world today.
They are an easy-going bunch, and that’s why most herpetologists would prefer to have them as pets.
Another reason this specie is mainly seen as great pets is that it is not difficult to keep them happy.
If you are a beginner and are wondering what types of geckos to have, what should filter into your mind should be the Leopard Gecko, as they are a friendly bunch.
They are covered with tan-yellow colored skin. In addition, their base is covered with numerous black or brown spots that give this unique gecko a pattern consistent with the powerful felines.
They are 7-10 inches long and have a lifespan of 10-20years.
One interesting fact about these geckos is that they do not have rounded toe pads like other geckos.
Because of this, you would hardly find the leopard gecko climbing the walls of your house.
Another distinct feature of the leopard gecko is its eyelids. These types of geckos lack defining and discernable eyelids, which helps them become emotive.
Their eyelids are also moveable, meaning they don’t need to lick their eyeballs to clean them.
The leopard gecko is from Southwestern Asia. They derive their name as a result of the color of their skin.
They are beautiful and require very few decorations as their skin is beautifully designed.
The Leopard Gecko species eat just about anything; however, they mostly enjoy having grubworms and crickets for their meal.
In addition, they prefer to climb on logs and small rocks instead of taking on large branches.
3. Yellow-headed Day Gecko

These types of geckos belong to the family of the day geckos. They are very distinct from the other types of geckos we have.
They are brightly and beautifully colored with bright yellow hues that can be seen on its head.
Light brown spots can be seen lining their lower back with a beautiful turquoise color lining their back and tail.
Their color is distinctly seen because of the type of flattened body they possess.
The yellow-headed gecko is different from other types of day geckos because of their slim size. They also differ in the way they interact with other lizards.
Hence they tend to house so many females. So it’s safe to call them the playboys of the gecko world.
Their Adults measure only about 4 inches in length, and they have a lifespan of 10 years.
Although small, they still require a larger environment to showcase their energy and beauty.
They are primarily seen in Madagascar, and capturing them is difficult because they enjoy the cover of their natural habitat.
As a result, the only type of geckos of this specie bought is those bred in captivity.
The yellow-headed day gecko is a very fragile and skittish creature; hence, most times, people aren’t allowed to hold or touch them for very long.
4. White-Lined Gecko
These types of geckos are seen to be very lovely, and they have a specific kind of pattern that is unique to them.
Usually, the skin color on the body can be tan, black, green, or brown with a fine white line that accentuates the frame giving them a completely different look.
Although they may not come off as temperamental as some other geckos, make no mistake; the white-lined gecko is still very capable of biting.
They are very active and can escape whenever people try to hold them. Anytime they sense threats or danger, they tend to bring their teeth out to bite.
It’s important to note that you shouldn’t handle these types of geckos until it is essential. They are much nicer when they are behind glass than on your hands.
Generally, the white-lined geckos tend to love places that are very lovely with lots of natural elements such as plants.
To keep them, you must have a mix of live plants, climbing branches, and vines as their environment, as this mimics their natural habitat and makes them feel more secure and at home.
This act also helps to keep their natural aggressive natures at bay.
5. Gargoyle Gecko

Are you wondering why these types of geckos are so named? One look at them would give you your answer.
The gargoyle gecko has a splash of splotchy skin with subtle touches of gray, brown, black, and white, providing them with their look.
Sometimes, it is possible to see traces of red, orange, and yellow lines somewhere on the layout of their skin.
These types of geckos have unique triangular-shaped heads. However, their most outstanding feature is their big, bulging eyes, giving them a somewhat aggressive look.
Usually, their skin is grayish with a vertical slit that helps them look even more aggressive. However, it is important not to let their look fool you.
They only look intimidating, but they have wonderful and peaceful personalities. They often don’t mind being held by humans.
It is important to note that they don’t like being constrained. Whenever they are restricted, they become aggressive; hence, it is best to let them roam freely in your hands to enjoy the experience.
Another important fact to note about these types of geckos is that they are very territorial.
The only time you see them aggressive and unprovoked is when they sense the presence of other gargoyle geckos in their environment.
The gargoyle gecko, especially their females, also tend to go head-on with other reptiles when they see them encroaching on their space.
6. Gold Dust Day Gecko

These types of geckos are known to be manageable species. They are only about 4-6 inches long and are very easy to care for, hence being a manageable species.
The Gold Dust Day geckos don’t require a lot of space for their environment. Hence, they are known to be beginner-friendly geckos.
However, these types of geckos are known to be climbers; therefore, it is important to ensure that they have enough height for their climbing.
Therefore, if you can provide thin vines and climbing interlocking branches for their habitat, you will get the best of them.
Another wonderful thing to note about these geckos is that they are not overwhelmed by large spaces.
Although they may not need large rooms to live in and thrive, they tend to adapt quickly when thrown into bigger places or habitats.
7. Crested Gecko

The Crested geckos are another widely known and readily available type of geckos.
At some point, however, they were thought to have gone extinct, but after they were discovered in New Celadonia, they became widespread again.
The Crested Geckos are another gentle types of geckos that you would ever come across.
Due to their peaceful nature and quiet demeanor, they are known to be beginner friendly and make great pets for those who love the reptile family.
They are usually seen in various colors ranging from natural black and brown tan to different hues and shades. However, the most defining aspect of these geckos is their crest.
Their crest begins at the top of their head and extends down to cover a part of their backs. These crests are mostly fringed, therefore giving them a spiky look.
8. African Fat-tailed Gecko

The African fat-tailed geckos are not a widely known specie of geckos, and these types of geckos are mostly found in native to arid areas of West Africa.
Although uncommon, the African fat-tailed geckos are seen as fascinating species and have much to offer.
When they are brought into the home, they quickly develop a sense of belonging and trust. They are also very tame and can easily make wonderful gecko pets.
They pick up signs and cues early and can quickly respond to your call. However, they are also seen to be territorial.
The male African fat-tailed gecko gets aggressive very fast with each other. However, you can easily keep a male and two females together, and all will be well.
These types of geckos can be seen in different colors; however, no matter the hues of their skin, they all have one thing in common: their bulgy tails, which help store fat for energy.
They can lose their tails, especially after a fight; however, these tails can regrow with time.
9. Golden Gecko

Golden geckos are one of the most beautiful species you would come across today.
These geckos are naturally suspicious of humans and are nocturnal; however, they are not as common as the other types of geckos.
If you don’t have the patience or the technique to handle them, they can come across as a handful to have. However, it can be quite rewarding if you put in the work.
The Golden Geckos hate to be handled and can tend to bite anyone who tries to carry them.
This is because they are usually scared of humans and generally have an anxious demeanor.
They also may drop their tails when being excessively handled. Also, their skin is unusually delicate and easily prone to ripping.
All of these make them scared of being carried; however, they can become comfortable and receptive to being held lightly over time.
Their skin is golden yellow, and the males have the most vibrant colors, although some can have patches of black. Their females tend to have hints of green on their skin.
10. Chinese Cave Gecko
The Chinese Cave Gecko is one of the most highly sought-after types of geckos in the world.
However, this mystical creature is scarce and is usually found in caves located throughout the lowland rainforest in China and the islands of Hainan.
The Chinese Cave Gecko is nocturnal and is well adapted to its unique habitat. Their skin is mostly dark to suit their environment.
Their skin is mostly purple with patches of black all over, and they have a yellow hue that is prominent and wraps around the head and tail. They also have bright red eyes.
Although these types of geckos look scary and intimidating, they are very shy, skittish, and anxious. They do bite, but they do it rarely.
Once they become comfortable with you, it is easy to gain their trust, and with some resilient training, they can learn to stay calm when they are being carried.
Because they are nocturnal species, they spend all their days hiding in the caves, and during the night, they become more active.
11. Chahoua Gecko
Have you ever heard of the masters of camouflage in the gecko world? If you have, then you should know that they were referring to these types of geckos.
Usually seen in the wild, they spend all day clinging to dry trees, and because their skin color looks like the barks of these trees, it is pretty easy for them to blend into that environment.
Their skin is mainly colored in different shades of brown with black hues here and there; this blend perfectly mimics the color of the bark of a tree.
Their eyes also have a subtle brown color that helps them blend with the rest of their skin color.
It is important to note that the Chahoua geckos are arboreal and, as such, need lots of space to survive and be happy.
Therefore, if you constrict them to a tiny space, you may be raising a very angry gecko. Also, they need the heights as well; this is because they are used to climbing up tall trees.
These types of geckos are generally happy to be handled. It is imperative to note that tolerance, temperament, and overall receptiveness vary from one gecko to another; however, these types of geckos have proven that, over time, they can adapt and learn to stay calm when handled.
The baby Chahoua geckos, on the other hand, can tend to be a lot tougher to train. Babies have lots of energy and tend to jump from one place to another; hence, they may require you to put in a lot of work during their training.
The Frog-eyed geckos are very different types of geckos in terms of their look. They have a distinct appearance that can help you quickly identify them amidst other types of geckos.
The Frog-eyed gecko has a large head with sports large eyes. Unlike different types of geckos, the Frog-eyed gecko has a round head, while others have a triangular head.
12. Frog-eyed Gecko

The Frog-eyed geckos are very different types of geckos in terms of their look.
They have a distinct appearance that can help you quickly identify them amidst other types of geckos.
The Frog-eyed gecko has a large head with sports large eyes. Unlike different types of geckos, the Frog-eyed gecko has a round head, while others have a triangular head.
The Frog-eyed gecko is seen mainly in either dry shrublands or open deserts. They are native to Asia and the middle east.
Most of these types of geckos that are up for sale were caught in the wild.
Due to their wide distribution, they come in an array of colors. These types of geckos don’t have distinctly different morphs; however, they show a range of color differentiation that can help you identify their locality.
Because of their color disparity, most collectors prefer having the Frog-eyed gecko. Keeping the Frog-eyed gecko is relatively easy to achieve.
Mostly, they need simple desert-style enclosures and a comprehensive banquet of insects for their feeding pleasure.
Unfortunately, these types of geckos aren’t picky eaters. Therefore, you would also need to provide them with powder supplements; with these, they are good to go.
13. Leachianus Gecko

These types of geckos are usually seen bearing different names, and they are sometimes called the New Caledonian giant gecko.
Herpetologists may also call them according to their locality and culture from where they were found.
No matter the name you give it, these types of geckos have one very distinct feature- Their size.
According to reptile collectors, the Leachianus Gecko is the most prominent living member of the gecko world.
The average adult Leachianus Gecko can measure up to 17-20 inches in length. Caring for these types of geckos may be strenuous for new pet owners, and they often require well-crafted homes to suit their needs.
In addition, the Leachianus Gecko species are known to be climbers; hence, to have this pet at home, you must create vertical space for them.
The Leachianus geckos are relatively peaceful types of geckos. They enjoy spending their days relaxing and blending in with their environment, but they can become very aggressive within a split second.
They quickly become territorial and aggressive whenever they are brought in contact with other geckos.
However, they also tend to bond quickly with other species of geckos. Once connected, they can live in peace with different types of geckos.
The Leachianus Geckos are not big on handling and tend to become aggressive when they are exposed to excessive handling.
They may allow you to touch them occasionally; however, if you forcefully handle them, you wouldn’t like their reaction.
14. Tokay Gecko

If you are a herpetologist, you may quickly fall in love with the tokay gecko. These types of geckos have gorgeous colors and are adorable to behold.
They often present with light blue or gray skin color with spots of red, yellow, green, or eye-popping orange hues, which brings about their beauty.
Aside from their beauty, it is essential to note that these types of geckos aren’t for pet beginners because they require a ton of work.
The reason isn’t far-fetched. These types of geckos are notoriously territorial and very aggressive.
Often, you can see two males fight to the death if they are put together. Sometimes, your innocent pairing can result in a spar; hence, they are mostly to be cared for alone.
Unfortunately, these geckos often drop their tails during their fight and experience serious, sometimes life-threatening injuries.
Usually, it is advised that you put one only in their environment. If you put more than one, it can cause serious problems.
Also, watch out for aggressive tendencies and address them quickly. Another critical fact to note is that these types of geckos aren’t big in handling.
To them, it’s all about trust. If they don’t trust you to handle them, they will bite. In addition, they have very sharp and pointy teeth that make their bites painful.
As they age, the tokay geckos may become docile and accept handling; however, that is still a considerable risk.
14. Flying Gecko

The flying gecko is usually native to South East Asia. These types of geckos are rare and arboreal, and they often spend most of their time on the tops of trees.
As their name implies, they tend to fly as they move from one tree top to another. Their skin is flappy and catches the wind.
This aids their flying as their skin acts as a natural flying suit, helping them move from one place to another. In terms of appearance, the flying gecko is very distinct.
These types of geckos have a pair of webbed feet which helps provide the gecko with control even in the air.
In addition, their skin is splotchy and brown, which allows them to blend into their environment and master the art of camouflage.
Touching or handling these types of geckos is not encouraged in any way, and this is because flying geckos are skittish and have very delicate skin prone to injuries upon touch.
15. Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko

The Satanic Leaf-tailed gecko is a very unusual species of gecko. These types of geckos are considered to be the ultimate tricksters.
They have a body that looks like a dead leaf, which helps them hide and evade predators.
Like most types of geckos, their head is generally triangular. Some may have triangular protrusions just around their eyes and dome.
Their eyes have a vertical slit and can either be white or red. Adding the color of their eyes to the thorn-like spikes on their head, you tend to see a scary-looking lizard.
The body of this lizard is just as scary looking as its head. The body has a crescent-shaped center mass with a subtle texture that mimics the veins of the leaf, giving them a leaf-life shape.
Their tail looks like fallen foliage. These types of geckos are indeed a sight to behold and very pricey indeed.
In conclusion, if you are thinking of raising a gecko, these ten types of geckos are some great options for you to consider.