TV Parental Guidelines

The Importance of TV Parental Guidelines Explained

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TV Parental guidelines entail two significant elements: an age-based rating that guides the age group for which a program is appropriate and content descriptors indicating that a program may contain suggestive dialogue, coarse or crude language, sexual situations, or violence.

The television rating system in the United States was first proposed to be adopted on December 19th, 1996, by the Congress of the United States, the television industry, and the Federal Communication Commission.

It was finally effected on 1st January 1997 on most major Cable.

It broadcast networks in response to the yearnings of the public to the approximately increasing explicit sexual content, graphic violence, and strong profanity in television programs.

It was established as a voluntary participation system with ratings to be determined by individually participating broadcast and cable networks.

The ratings are usually generally attached to major television series, television films, and edited broadcasts or basic theatrically cable versions of movies released.

Ratings are also usually assigned according to Parental TV guidelines, especially on movies released theatrically or on home video, whether the Motion Pictures Association of America didn’t assign a rating for the film or the channel airs an unrated version.

These ratings were usually built up to be used by the v-chip, which was mandated to be installed in all television sets manufactured since 2000 (and the vast majority of cable/ satellite boxes).

However these guidelines themselves have no legal implications and are not applicable to news or sports programs during commercial advertisements.

Many online television services such as Hulu, Amazon Video, and Netflix also use these guideline systems, and digital video vendors such as iTunes stores, Google Play store, and digital media players including the Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Android TV, and Roku platforms.

Positive Impact of the TV on the Child

Television is not considered bad when the right programs and content are exposed to the child. Your child can learn useful things through the TV.

Recent research shows that watching TV can have a vast positive impact on the child.

It can help them develop positive attitudes and avoid other societal misbehaviors.

The following are some positive attributes the TV can have on the child.

Educational content

Some television channels are dedicated to providing educational and informative content for the audience, especially children.

Sesame Street could be considered as one of the examples. This program is usually targeted at the preschoolers.

There are other channels that broadcast only educational content covering areas like arts, crafts, geography, and math.

The TV is also a platform that exposes children to different languages and cultures worldwide.

Giving your children access to news channels with a little guideline will enable them to stay up to date on recent events and happenings worldwide.


The beautiful and colorful sounds appeal more to children and retain their attention.

Several programs, from movies to cartoon shows, keep the children’s attention engaged.

However, a parent needs to ensure that the TV program they are allowed to watch is appropriate for their age and level of understanding.


Parents should allow their children to watch sports like tennis, baseball, soccer, and basketball by watching along with them.

Educate them about the gameplay, rules, and regulations, amongst all other things.

If they develop an interest in any sports, kindly allow them to play and try their best.

Exposure to Different Cultures

The TV can enable your kids to learn about other countries and teach them about the various cultures and traditions present in the world.

Television Might Inspire

TV programs targeted at children and adolescents are not only educational but also very inspiring.

TV programs with educational content encourage children to try new things.

For instance, a TV program about creative fun can encourage the child to try something new with Clay, paints, or paper.

Likewise, a documentary about popular scientists, artists, and other public figures can inspire them to do good deeds or achieve something big.

3D TV and Programs

How we experience TV has largely changed with the help of 3D imaging technology.

3D television programs and movies offer an enhanced TV experience for children.

However, the popularity of 3D TV has declined in the past. There are still network programs offering educational programs with 3D technology.

The American Optometric Association has stated that 3D can be viewed by children.

If your kids are having trouble watching this, you can consult a professional medical expert for counseling.

However, your kids can only benefit from watching TV or on the internet if you guide them appropriately.

Negative Effects of TV on the Children

Television also affects children negatively. And the negative effects sometimes outnumber the positive impacts.

The following are some of the ways the TV can hurt the child.

Curbs Physical Activity

Addiction to TV shows results in a reduction in the child’s physical activity.

Sometimes, they refuse to do anything else with their time aside from watching TV and playing video games.

Impacts on social development

Children who watch a lot of TV hardly have time to play or socialize. Less or no interracial relationship with peers can affect their social development.

TV eats up the time they should ordinarily have used to interact and socialize with other children.

In the long run, this may affect their level of social interactions and development.

Affects Brain Development and Behavior

TV programs may be considered very educative, but excesses may affect the child’s brain development.

According to studies, the first couple of years of your child’s age is very important for your child’s brain development.

Too much TV watching may lower cognitive abilities related to short-term memory, early reading, math skills, and language development.

Exposure to Vices

You may not always be able to control what your children watch due to work and other busy schedules, and this may expose the kids to many social vices, such as alcoholism, sexual immorality, and many other things.


Another bane of television is consumerism. The number of adverts a child sees on the TV exposes them to a variety of brands and products that they may not need.

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