Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba: Amazing Benefits, Uses, and Applications

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Ginkgo Biloba, popularly known as ginkgo or maidenhair is a highly potent and commonly used herb in natural medicine. Native to China but it’s now popular worldwide and it has lots of uses.

Ginkgo is also known as the living fossil because it is the only surviving member of an ancient order of plants. The roots, leaves, and seeds have been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of health problems.

Amazing Health Benefits of Ginkgo

Packed full with antioxidants

One of the reasons why ginkgo is so potent is due to the bulk of antioxidants it contains. This is the reason why it has so many health benefits.

There are high levels of terpenoids and flavonoids in ginkgo and these compounds have strong antioxidant properties. Antioxidants neutralize and fight off free radicals and relieve their damaging effects.

Your body produces highly reactive particles known as free radicals during normal metabolic functions. These molecules can damage healthy tissues and they also hasten the development of diseases and aging.

Protects your kidneys

The kidneys are the filtration organs of your body, they are also known as the “two great sieves”. They remove toxins from your bloodstream and work constantly to protect you from heavy metals, toxins, heavy chemicals, and other environmental pollutants.

Ginkgo relieves stress and stress is not good for your kidneys. This herb also protects the kidneys from damage because it has powerful reno-protective properties.

It’s best to take ginkgo tea after exposing yourself to dangerous chemicals like widely used herbicides, heavy metals, and other dangerous substances.

Ginkgo also protects your system from toxins formed in the gut thereby reducing your risks of liver disease.

Relieves tinnitus

Ginkgo Biloba extracts in the right dosage can reduce tinnitus, a condition characterized by ringing in the ears. This condition is a sign of underlying health conditions like circulatory disorders.

Ginkgo leaf tea can be taken as a tea to correct this condition as it contains terpenoids and flavonoids to protect vital organs and tissues of the body from free radicals.

This, in turn, will prevent the phantom noise irritating the ears.

Help with weight loss

People who have difficulty maintaining a healthy weight will find help using ginkgo. It promotes normal balance and functions of insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar and can contribute to obesity.

Relieve inflammation

Long-term/chronic inflammation is present in every chronic disease you can think of. Short-term inflammation is the body’s response to invasion or injury.

During this response, various parts of the immune system are summoned to fight against the foreign invaders or heal an injured area.

However, when this response is allowed longer than usual, especially when no injury or invasion is present, chronic diseases set in. Over time, this chronic inflammation causes permanent damages to your DNA and body tissues.

Ginkgo biloba can reduce the markers of inflammation in the body in a lot of diseases. This makes it potent in treating inflammatory diseases like stroke, heart disease, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, and arthritis.

Relieves intermittent claudication

People suffering from claudication can find it difficult to walk due to pains. Ginkgo Biloba can offer relief from pain and aid movement.

Treats multiple sclerosis

In multiple sclerosis (MS), the immune system attacks the nerve cells of the body. This damage interrupts the ability of the nervous system in carrying out its functions thereby resulting in many disorders.

Ginkgo biloba reduces the symptoms of MS and help patients find relief while handling the root causes.

Boosts concentration and reduce ADHD

In natural medicine, ginkgo is used to treat poor concentration, cognitive decline, and fatigue. People suffering from cerebral deficiency, a condition characterized by fatigue, low concentration, reduced physical performance, confusion, headaches, and mood changes; can find relief taking ginkgo.

Ginkgo does this by reducing oxidative stress and improving circulation. It also brings a significant level of relief to people suffering from attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD).

Ginkgo also treats symptoms of dyslexia and to manage the symptoms of autism. It is one of the most effective herbal remedies for autism.

Boosts blood circulation and heart health

Traditional Chinese medicine uses ginkgo seeds to open up the energy channels of the body systems and organs like the brain, kidneys, lungs, and liver.

It is even said that the origin of ginkgo’s many health benefits is its obvious ability to increase blood flow to all body parts. It helps heart disease patients by increasing blood flow and prevents stroke.

Help menopausal women

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the conventional way to help menopausal women but it comes with side effects like cancer and irregular bleeding.

A natural alternative to HRT which is far safer and potent is ginkgo biloba because it contains estrogenic properties. Take ginkgo supplements twice daily but you have to consult with your doctor first, especially if you are on medications or HRT.

Prevents altitude sickness

It is well-known that ginkgo prevents altitude sickness. You can have some ginkgo tea or capsules before embarking on a flight or climbing a mountain.

Beautifies the skin

This wonderful herb has many skin benefits. First and foremost, it slows down the aging process using its anti-aging compounds. It clears wrinkles and age-spots, lightens scars, and hastens the healing of wounds.

Ginkgo is also a natural sunscreen and also protects your skin from an uneven skin tone. Another way it benefits the skin is to relieve inflammation and it also has natural cleansing properties.

This opens skin pores and removes accumulated dirt, oil and impurities, sebum, and dead skin cells. Ginkgo is a common ingredient in natural face cleansers.

Due to the rich nutritional profile of ginkgo, it is used in treating many skin problems. It is one of the richest sources of vitamin E, thus it makes the skin fresh, healthy, and elastic.

Boosts brain health and reduces psychiatric disorders

Ginkgo has been confirmed to improve brain health, reduce anxiety, stress, and symptoms of declining mental functions like Alzheimer’s disease. And it also reduces cognitive decline caused by aging.

It also enhances brain functions in healthy people by improving mental performance and general well-being. Many found it helpful in increasing attention span, focus, and improved memory.

The anxiety-reducing properties of ginkgo biloba are due to its rich content of antioxidants. Ginkgo also relieves the symptoms of depression due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

It improves the ability of your body to cope with high levels of stress hormones. Ginkgo also balances hormones and helps relieve depression in elderly people.

Improves hair health

If you are looking for an effective remedy for hair loss, try ginkgo. It also treats baldness and hair thinning, you can combine it with other herbs to get an amazing result.

Are you looking for a luscious long hair? Try ginkgo because it stimulates hair growth when used regularly. It gives ling and shiny hair and it is one of the common ingredients used in making hair oils and hair packs.

Boosts eye health and improves vision

Glaucoma patients find help taking ginkgo supplements. It increases the flow of blood to the eyes and it slows down the progression of age-related macular degeneration.

Ginkgo protects the ocular system from oxidative stress.

Manages pains

Ginkgo biloba has mild analgesic properties that help reduce pain to a bearable point. It also has anti-inflammation properties, and when inflammation reduces, pains also reduce.

This makes it a popular home remedy for people with wounds or injuries, and also people suffering from chronic headaches.

Relieves headaches and migraines

A popular and potent remedy for headaches and migraines in traditional Chinese medicine is ginkgo biloba. Many health experts credit this potent effect on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of ginkgo biloba.

This herb can relieve all kinds of headaches including those caused by stress or constricted blood vessels/reduced blood flow. It dilates blood vessels and improves symptoms.

However, ginkgo might have just little effect on headaches caused by excessive dilation of blood vessels.

Relieves social anxiety disorders and vertigo

The abundant presence of flavonoids, terpenoids, and other beneficial compounds in ginkgo fight social anxiety disorder. These compounds also increase cognitive abilities.

Vertigo or dizziness can also be controlled with maidenhair. There are unique compounds in ginkgo called ginkgolides and bilobides and they help reduce the effects of vertigo.

For those who don’t know, vertigo is a condition in which a person feels the surroundings are moving while in reality, the surrounding is stationary.

Improves COPD and Asthma

Ginkgo has powerful healing properties on inflammatory diseases like asthma and COPD because it is a strong anti-inflammatory herb. It relieves inflammation in the airways and increases the capacity of the lungs.

Treats fibromyalgia

Combining ginkgo biloba and Co-enzyme Q help improve the quality of life of people with fibromyalgia. Individuals living with fibromyalgia experience memory loss, widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and insomnia.

Ginkgo relieves these symptoms but the specific mechanism of action is still being studied.

Relieves PMS

Ginkgo helps in treating psychological and physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and other menstrual disturbances. Women in menstrual pain find relief by 23% after consuming ginkgo.

Common symptoms of PMS are headaches, muscle pain, fatigue, anxiety, and moodiness.

Boosts heart health

Studies have proven the efficiency of ginkgo in reducing high blood pressure and eliminate blood clots from the blood vessels. When these two root causes of heart disease are eliminated, heart health improves.

Ginkgo dilates the blood vessels and thus reduces the strain put on the heart. The anti-clotting properties of this wonderful herb reduce your risks of a heart attack or stroke.

Treats sexual dysfunction

Maidenhair can treat sexual dysfunction like low libido, erectile dysfunction, and other sex problems by increasing the levels of nitric oxide in the bloodstream.

This, in turn, boosts the dilation of blood vessels and increases blood circulation. It also treats sexual dysfunction caused by the use of anti-depressants.

A study proved that ginkgo increased sexual desires in women going through sexual psychotherapy.

Fights cancer

The high antioxidant content of this herb makes it a potent herb in fighting and preventing cancer. It can be added to cancer treatment along with other procedures.

Ginkgo eliminates free radicals from the body, one of the causes of cancer. It induces apoptosis in cancerous cells and stops further DNA damage.

Reduces the symptoms of hemorrhoids

In natural medicine, this herb is used as a short-term treatment for acute pain caused by hemorrhoids. It also helps control bleeding and inflammation caused by increased pressure on the veins of the rectum.

Prevents nervous disorders

Maidenhair has a positive effect on the nervous system by hastening the reaction time thereby reducing the risks of coming down with nervous disorders.

Ginkgo is also used to treat Raynaud’s and Parkinson’s Diseases in herbal medicine.

How to Use Ginkgo and Dosage

Ginkgoes are available in many forms, you can find the capsules, liquid extracts, tablets, and even dried leaves used for teas. All these can be gotten from reputable health stores.

There is no standard dose for ginkgo supplements, so you take according to the direction of your doctor or naturopath. Some studies have shown that a dose of 120 mg to 240 mg per day is safe for most people.

Some people are allergic to ginkgo and this can be caused by the presence of ginkgolic acids. These acids are similar to those found in poison ivy and cashews.

Stop usage if you develop allergies while taking ginkgo, there are other powerful herbs you can use in place of this.

Ginkgo biloba should be avoided these situations and individuals;

  • Pregnant and menstruating women: Should avoid ginkgo because of its anti-coagulant nature.
  • People with blood disorders: whose blood doesn’t coagulate should avoid ginkgo.
  • Surgery: People who recently underwent surgery or planning to go for one should avoid ginkgo.
  • Sensitive skin: IF you have sensitive skin, consult with a naturopath or doctor before using ginkgo supplements.
  • SSRI and seizures: Individuals with these should consult their health care provider before including this herb in your diet.

Do not consume the seeds and leaves directly.


  1. Ginkgo Biloba; NCBI, NCBI, USDA, NCBI, MAL,
  2. Skin health; NCBI, NCBI,
  3. Cardiovascular health; NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, SD,
  4. Nervous system; NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, NCBI,
  5. Brain health; NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, WOL, NCBI, SL, O.O,
  6. Eye health; NCBI, NCBI, CL,
  7. Pains and headache; NCBI,
  8. Respiratory health; NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, NCBI,
  9. Reproductive health; NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, NCBI,
  10. Immune system and cancer; NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, OA, NCBI, WOL, NCBI,
  11. Hearing loss; SL,
  12. Hemorrhoid; NCBI,
  13. Side effects, Dosing, Allergies, and drug interactions; NCBI, NCBI, PMC, NCBI,
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