Whether you are male or female, one thing everyone cares about regardless of age and sex is hair health and hairstyles.
But these days, men’s and even women’s attention seems to be drawn to the beard style.
A couple of centuries ago, only the poor or common people used to keep a beard, while those who were rich or considered royalty kept a clean face free of hair.
After that era, especially around fifty years ago, it was almost impossible to see any man roaming the streets with facial hair.
Still, the beard style has proved to us one more time that change is the only thing that remains constant as men around are beginning to wear a beard.
There is no doubt that a lot of men feel more masculine with a beard on their face, and lots of women can’t wait to get a man who has facial hair.
No doubt there are men who do not have the right facial contour for a beard, but we are thankful that there are a variety of beard styles for every man. So, if you don’t look good with a full beard, you may look spectacular with just a moustache.
In this article, we will be looking at some of the coolest beard styles of the year, and you certainly will fall in love with them or find one that suits you just fine.
Because it is good to have simple things first we will begin with the easiest beard to grow. This style of beard is simple, stubble, super sexy, and very easy to maintain.
To grow such attractive beard styles, all you have to do is allow your beard to grow for a few days and proceed to trim it with a shaver so that it appears sharp and suitable for any hairstyle you choose to carry.
1. Full beard

When anyone hears the topic of a beard the first thing that comes to their mind is a full beard. The kind that makes its way right from the cheeks down to a man’s neck line.
While for some people it is easy to grow that much facial hair, for many others it is a big challenge and they end up buying different kinds of beauty products just to see that they grow full beard.
For some of the people who do not have a problem growing this kind of beard naturally, there may be problems like the beards appearing patching or it appears too light.
The worst part of growing a full beard is how complex it is to maintain one so your best option would be to employ the services of a stylist or barber to take care of it.
However, if you’d are bold enough to grow a beard such as this one, you sure will be a pleasing figure to look at ( take this from a girl who loves men with full beards)
2. The French fork beard

Even though some people may not find this style of beard attractive, I must confess it can be a very classy and manly one when on the face of the right person.
This style of beard is very unique and if you have always wanted to pull a captain Jack sparrow look on the ladies, this is just the perfect beard to grow.
3. The ducktail beard

Talk about something stylish, sexy, and attention grabbing on a man’s face and I’ll be quick to point at the duck tail beard style.
You know how it is that men these days love to rock a hairstyle where the sides are cut low and the middle is allowed to grow? well there is no other beard style that goes perfectly with that hair than the duck tail beard style.
This one isn’t in the list of the easiest to maintain beard style but if you put in some effort you just may find yourself doing a good job with grooming it.
However, you can never overestimate the services of a good stylist or barber when it comes to grooming and maintenance of facial hair.
4. The famous Goatee beard style

Of you are looking for a beard style that almost any man can look hot and sexy in, this is not one of the options.
However if you have the right face for it, you just might be able to rock it as perfectly as Brad Pitt does. All you have to do is learn the best way to grow and maintain this beard style and trust me when I say you just might have a couple of heads turn as you walk past.
5. The magnificent imperial beard

Growing up, I loved the imperial beard because I found it quite funny, especially on cartoon characters.
As an adult, this bread strikes me as one of the sexiest styles anyone can go for because of how powerful it makes the wearer look.
At one time in history, the French royalties wore this regal look and ever since then it has been one style that spells everything classy and wealthy.
6. The mutton beard

I must confess, this beard style isn’t one of my favorite but somehow it made the list because some guys know just the right way to pull it off.
The mutton isn’t a style you will find easily on guys as you walk on the road but it is one of the easiest beards to grow.
What you have to do if you want to wear this look is to allow your side burn grow freely and shave off the hair on your chin.
Like I already said, this style isn’t one that you see often and unless you are a rock star or you like to sit in a bar drinking huge glasses of beer, I’m not sure you want to wear this one ( sorry but that’s what guys with mutton beards do in movies).
7. The Dutch beard style

Any guy who wears this beard will definitely give off an Abraham Lincoln vibe and you know what that means: he just will be irresistible.
This one isn’t a style that needs too much maintenance and the general goal is to let the beard be and enjoy how it looks on you.
So, these are the seven top beard styles for the year 2021 and we hope you find one that suits you perfectly from this list.
Nevertheless, if you would like to include any beard style that you feel should have made the list, feel free to let is know via the comment section as we will be fair enough to include it.