When conception is confirmed, the parents are not the only people who find the news exciting. Some family members and friends even start planning a baby shower before the bump starts showing.
Future uncles, aunts, grandparents, extended family members, and friends rejoice at this type of report.
People are mostly always eager to hear the news of the newest family member on its way.
A baby shower is considered one of the most convenient ways for loved ones to gather and express their excitement about your pregnancy.
This is a time for family and friends to spend with parents, especially with the woman carrying the baby. It’s a time to present gifts, good wishes, and love before the baby’s birth.
Why don’t you read on to learn all you need to know about planning a baby shower?
What is a Baby Shower?
A baby shower is generally a party to celebrate the expecting baby. It’s also an avenue for loved ones to help the parents acquire needed baby things.
Baby stuff can be expensive, so baby showers are the easiest way to lift parents of such a burden.
History of Baby Shower
Most people might not be aware, but the baby showers we are familiar with started recently. Nonetheless, gifting expecting parents baby items has since been practiced even before baby showers became a trend.
New members of society have always been celebrated; however, they were celebrated differently from what we are familiar with today.
Ancient Egyptians and Greeks held special rituals to celebrate a mother and baby. These rituals offered Special gifts and prayers to several gods and goddesses.
Fast-forward many years. Babies started getting baptized, and this was an opportunity to give presents to new parents.
Gifts weren’t uncommon to represent religious values, and the child’s godparents usually presented them.
Thereafter, during the Renaissance, loved ones spoiled mothers with lavish gifts after the baby was delivered. It was during the Victorian period that baby showers gained more meaning.
Unlike now, childbirth and pregnancy were publicized, so celebrations were held till after delivery.
Baby showers during the Victorian era were tea parties featuring games and presents for expecting mothers.
This practice became popular over many decades and was called “stork parties.”
Baby showers became common -especially in Western countries- during and after WWI and WWII.
These presented an opportunity for friends and family to help new parents financially, especially those affected by the war.
Planning a Baby Shower

Customarily, planning a baby shower isn’t left to expectant mothers. Family members and friends come together to plan the occasion.
At the end of the day, a baby shower means “to shower mother and child with love and gifts.”
It’s perfectly okay for expecting mothers to approach friends or a trusted member of the family and ask them to plan a baby shower for them, especially if nobody is talking about it.
This is also logical if the due date is very near. Expecting mothers and fathers are not unusual to plan or organize a baby shower.
If loved ones insist on planning the shower without your help, you’d have to allow them. The idea is for everything to come as a surprise.
This is also an opportunity for them to show you not only how much they love you but also how much they can’t wait to meet your baby.
It’s also normal to expect mothers to provide a gift registry. This would best inform prospective guests about what gifts they can get, which is helpful in avoiding identical gifts from guests.
Who Can You Invite to a Baby Shower?
The guest list for a baby shower is usually exclusive. Only friends and family members of the parents are invited.
Nonetheless, planners should also understand that the parents might prefer selected individuals on the list to avoid drama on D-day.
It is always best to inquire from the parents—especially moms—who not to invite. For some time now, the affairs of a baby shower have been solely women’s business.
Notwithstanding, studies have shown that co-ed baby showers are becoming more popular.
Dads are also getting involved by trying to make the baby shower more memorable for the woman. Before creating a guest list, it’s best to ask the parents what they would prefer.
When is a Baby Shower Ideal?
There is no rule governing the proper timing for a baby shower. Nonetheless, most showers are thrown about 3 to 6 weeks before delivery is due.
This is a better chance for guests to know what gifts to get your baby, especially since they might be aware of its gender.
Most mothers prefer to have their baby showers much later in their pregnancy, mainly because the chances of miscarriage reduce with each week that passes.
What Place Can Be Used to Host a Baby Shower?
The right location for a baby shower depends on the number of people you invite. If you don’t plan a big baby shower, you can use your home.
If you don’t mind, you could also have it at your parent’s house or the home of one of the people planning the shower.
Notwithstanding, planners must understand that at least one person must stay behind to clean up if the baby shower is held at the expecting mother’s house.
During her trimester, no pregnant woman wants to ever clean up after a party.
There are several other suitable places to throw a baby shower. Planners can check online for suitable shower venues near them.
These include tea rooms, community centers, parks, restaurants, clubhouses, and hotels.
It is crucial to consider expecting parents when selecting a venue that can accommodate the type of activities for that particular day.
A clubhouse or a park could be ideal if many fun games or other spontaneous activities are involved. A tea house or restaurant could be an excellent venue for calm and classy showers.
Throwing a Baby Shower

Baby showers can be fun, playful, relaxing, or elegant. It all depends on what the expecting mothers want and what she’s open to.
Even though moms shouldn’t be stressed with planning a shower, it’s still best to get her input on what activities she would like; it is all about her and her baby.
Here are some essential factors to consider when planning a baby shower:
- Food: Planners can choose to have a spread or buffer where guests can contribute. Planners can ask prospective guests to pitch to get everything needed before D-day. If the shower is going to take place outside (in a tea room or restaurant), then planners can request the budget from the venue’s management. Baby shower cakes are equally acceptable.
- Favors: The favors granted for baby showers shouldn’t have to be extravagant. Cookies, candies, or other small packages are equally okay and are good ways to thank potential guests for coming.
- Games: The Planner can develop fun games that could include asking questions about the mom and dad from quests and other entertaining games to keep the shower going. Planners can also ask expecting parents if there are special games they’d like to include.
- Theme or decorations: Using sites like Pinterest to get good decorative ideas isn’t a bad place to start. Several amazing themes can be recreated by using DIY crafts and simple accessories.
- Gifts: Expecting parents can prepare a gift registry so each guest knows what to look out for. This may include baby clothes, diapers, toys, and feeders. Moms can also be given gifts such as scented candles, face masks, or lovely makeup. Also, if the parents want assistance with expensive items, they can talk to the planners to see how they can raise money to arrange a more significant gift together.
Etiquettes of Baby Shower
Several rules are associated with baby showers, but planners aren’t expected to follow them if they choose not to. For instance, baby showers were only meant for the first child.
Nowadays, expecting parents can be showered many times, especially if different groups are involved, and one shower can accommodate the crowd.
Having a baby shower for more than one pregnancy has also become a norm. Typically, gifts will be less impressive for the second or third pregnancy than for the first.
But this shouldn’t stop expecting parents from enjoying such a fantastic day. Ultimately, it is essential for dad and mom—if the shower is co-ed—to try as much as possible to enjoy themselves.
The love, good wishes, gifts, and attention are all designed to make them feel appreciated. The baby will be here soon, and a baby shower is just a remarkable way to welcome the child.