Aloe Vera Gel

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel and How to Make Yours

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Aloe vera is one of the most versatile herbs on the planet, and aloe vera gel is one way to consume and use this powerful herb.

When many people hear of aloe vera, their minds run to sunburns or skin issues only. Aloe vera does much more than just sunburn and skin problems.

In this post, I will discuss the health benefits of aloe vera gel, how to make your own, and the reputable brands you can trust.

What is Aloe Vera Gel?

Aloe vera gel is the thick green gel obtained from aloe vera leaves.

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel

Below are some of the wonderful health benefits of aloe vera gel.

1. Clears and prevents breakouts

Aloe vera gel abundantly contains salicylic acid, a powerful antiseptic that kills bacteria that cause acne.

This makes it an excellent natural remedy for acne and skin problems.

It cleanses and improves the appearance of your skin. Before using aloe vera, do a patch test on a small region of your skin to ensure that you are not allergic to it.

Some people are highly sensitive to aloe vera and can develop adverse reactions.

So, apply a little gel to your ear lobe or on the back of your palm, just a little, and wait for at least 30 minutes.

Burnings, rashes, swellings, or any kind of discomfort are signs to look out for. If nothing happens, you are good to go.

2. Moisturizes your skin

Dry skin is prone to problems like dehydration, flaking, and itching. Moisturizers help people with dry skin, and one powerful natural moisturizer you can always trust is aloe vera gel.

Aloe vera gel has moisturizing properties and contains minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes that protect and heal the skin barrier.

Aloe vera gel is an incredible moisturizer. It also contains polyphenols, which protect your skin against skin cancer, free radicals, and other factors that cause rapid aging.

3. Soothes irritated skin

If you are battling skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea, apply aloe vera gel to the affected skin part.

These conditions are characterized by inflammation and dryness, and aloe vera gel helps relieve these symptoms.

The fatty acids in aloe vera gel, along with an enzyme called bradykinin, will help calm irritated skin and give relief.

4. Heals minor wounds and burns

Aloe vera gel has been used to heal wounds for centuries (over six thousand years). Wounded soldiers applied the gel on their wounds in the past, and even now, aloe vera gel is used to heal gunshot wounds.

Kings fought wars over aloe vera. Alexander the Great conquered an island off the coast of Africa so that he could have enough to treat his wounded soldiers.

Aloe vera gel is super hydrating. It also boosts the elasticity of your skin as it heals, hastening the rate of healing by almost nine days.

5. Treats a cold sore

Aloe vera has antiviral properties that help treat the herpes virus. Its gel can cover and protect irritated skin and also offer relief from symptoms.

The topical application of aloe vera gel can help people suffering from herpes simplex, the most common virus that causes a cold sore.

6. It’s a natural shaving cream

Due to its texture and hydrating properties, the gel can be used as a shaving cream.

The antibacterial property of this gel helps it treat razor nicks.

7. It’s a natural makeup remover

The gentle nature of aloe vera gel on the skin makes it a natural makeup remover. Apply this gel on your face and clean it off with a washcloth.

This will cleanse and moisturize your face at the same time. Its moisturizing and anti-aging properties make it a perfect beauty product for people looking for natural alternatives.

People with sensitive skin and react to ingredients in standard makeup removers can use aloe vera gel if they don’t react to the gel.

8. Relieves digestive disorders

If you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), aloe vera gel will give you relief.

It also improves the symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and helps with ulcerative colitis, another form of IBD.

9. Improves glucose levels

Aloe vera gel improves glycemic index control in people with pre-diabetes and type II diabetes and prevents diabetes and hyperglycemia.

Aloe vera gel has methanol extract, and this compound has antidiabetic effects.

Can I Buy Aloe Vera Gel?

Yes, there are many standardized and certified brands of aloe vera gel available. All you have to do is buy from a credible source.

If you love aloe vera and want to benefit from its amazing health benefits, you can buy any of these brands and use them according to the instructions on the label.

Click here to see some of the best aloe vera gel brands in the market.

How to Make Aloe Vera Gel?

Making aloe vera gel is very easy if you love doing things yourself. It is even cheaper than buying it.

To make aloe vera gel, you need matured aloe vera leaves (mature leaves have plenty of fresh and healthy gel) and 500mg powdered vitamin C or 400 IU vitamin E.

Matured aloe vera leaves are usually around the outside of the plant, and their bases grow close to the ground. Use a sharp knife to cut near the base.

You need the above quantities of vitamin C or E for every ¼ cups of aloe vera gel. Don’t make plenty of gel since it gets spoilt easily.

Do plenty only if you plan to give some away. 2 large leaves should be enough to make half to one cup of aloe vera gel.


Wash your hands before you start making any herbal preparations or meals. This is very important. Also, use clean utensils so that your gel doesn’t get contaminated.

Then wash your aloe vera leaves under running water and leave it to drain.

Drain the resin from the leaves for at least 10 minutes. Place the leaves upright into a cup and allow the dark resin to drain out. This resin contains latex.

Some people are reactive to latex; even if you are not, it may irritate your skin slightly. So drain it out so that it doesn’t get into your gel.

Use a vegetable peeler and carefully peel the green portion of the leaves away. Make sure you cut through the inner white layer to underneath the gel.

Peel off the skin on each side of the leave until you have a canoe-shaped half-filled gel. If your leaves are large, cut them into smaller pieces before peeling.

Discard the skin so that it doesn’t mix with your gel. Scoop out the gel using a spoon or knife and put it into a clean bowl. Make sure there is no gel left in the leaf.

Then, mix the gel with your natural preservatives, vitamin C or E.

Put the mixture in a blender and blend very well. The gel will look foamy at first. Then, put the blended gel in a sterilized and clean glass jar.

Using the natural preservatives mentioned above, your gel can last several months in the refrigerator. If you didn’t use the preservatives, it can only last for one or two weeks.

You can apply this gel on your skin or take it internally in small doses and for a short time.


Aloe vera gel is safe when applied to the skin and taken internally in the right dose. These appropriate doses should only be taken for a short time.

Also, seek the advice of a professional herbalist to determine the right product and the correct dose. You should also have an allergy test to see if it is right for you.


  • 1. Aloe Vera NIH
  • 2. The antidiabetic activity of aloe vera leaves Study, WOL
  • 3. Maenthaisong, R., Chaiyakunapruk, N., Niruntraporn, S., & Kongkaew, C. (2007). The efficacy of aloe vera used for burn wound healing: a systematic review. Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 33(6), 713–718. NLM
  • 4. Aloe vera’s efficacy in treating sun burns NLM
  • 5. Surjushe, A., Vasani, R., & Saple, D. G. (2008). Aloe vera: a short review. Indian journal of dermatology, 53(4), 163–166. NLM
  • 6. Aloe vera efficacy for ulcerative colitis WOL
  • 7. The efficacy of aloe vera in treating IBS NLM
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