Pro Tips to Turn any Home into a Pest-Free Paradise
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10 Pro Tips to Turn any Home into a Pest-Free Paradise

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If home truly is where the heart is, there is no room for unwanted critters.

However, every homeowner will occasionally encounter an unwanted guest scuttling along their kitchen table or bedroom wall.

Removing them can be a challenge, but not impossible. These 10 handy tips can help:

1. Know When to Call in the Pros

Sometimes, DIY fixes just won’t cut it. If the pest party has gotten out of hand, there’s no shame in calling for help from some qualified professionals.

Sure, this might not be the most affordable solution, but taking the time to schedule a free inspection can give homeowners the information they need to turn the tide in their favor.

If nothing else on this list works, don’t hesitate to contact a professional exterminator.

2. Become a Crumb Crusader

A clean house is not a dream destination for stray bugs and gross creatures.

So sweep, mop, and vacuum regularly to make your home as undesirable as possible for the little freeloaders.

Don’t forget to wipe down those sneaky hiding places under appliances.

Remember, small crumbs and dirty plates are like tiny welcome mats for pests.

3. Seal Up Their Secret Passages

For the most part, bugs won’t use a home’s front door to come and go as they please.

This means sealing up tiny cracks and crevices to the outside world is necessary.

Caulk around windows, doors, and pipes to keep them outside where they belong.

Imagine yourself shrunk down to the size of an ant. Where would you look for a way in? Crawl around baseboards, inspect windows, and check for gaps around pipes and utility lines. These are prime targets for tiny trespassers.

4. Fort Knox Your Food

Leaving food out in the open is bad if homeowners want to keep bugs away. Be sure to store every pantry item in airtight containers.

This way, there’s no way for them to help themselves with your snacks.

5. Keep Bins Sealed Up Tight

Now is the time if you haven’t already invested in a bin with an airtight lid.

Fruit flies, disgusting maggots, and even some rodents are drawn to the fragrant smells wafting from an open bin overflowing with food.

Without a properly secure lid, that food waste can become an all-you-can-eat buffet for unwanted guests.

6. Don’t Neglect Yard Work

Are you serious about kicking pests out for good? Keep that yard tidy and neat.

Mow the lawn, trim bushes, and eliminate standing water to discourage the nastiest pests from making their way inside.

7. Block the Leaks

For pests, water can be as attractive as food. For this reason, fixing those leaky faucets and pipes you’ve meant to get to is a really good idea.

Depriving them of water can force them to leave for good.

8. Clean Up After Pets

Our furry friends are like family, but let’s face it: their eating habits can sometimes attract unwanted guests.

Keep their water and food dishes away from other food sources, and remember that pet scraps can be as appealing to bugs as human leftovers.

Pests can target indoor pets, too, and some can cause them to get very sick.

Regularly check pets for pests like fleas and internal worms to keep them in tip-top shape.

9. Inspect Incoming Guests

Pests are masters at hitching rides on unexpected items, so it can be helpful to turn all entrances into mini-security checkpoints.

Check packages, groceries, and even firewood or plants before bringing them inside.

10. Natural Repellent Power

If an infestation seems likely, peppermint oil, bay leaves, and dryer sheets can all deter certain pests.

Research natural options for your specific pest problems and ensure the natural solutions won’t give your pets a hard time.

By combining these natural methods with a focus on pet safety, anyone tired of their pest problems can create a more clean and hygienic environment for the residents of their beloved home.

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