Best Substitutes for Arugula
Photo by Radek Grzybowski

17 Best Substitutes for Arugula

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Arugula is among the healthiest greens thanks to its high omega-3 fatty acids and carotenoids.

These nutrients help protect against inflammation, which can lead to heart disease and cancer.

But it also means that arugula has a very distinct flavor. Therefore, if you’re tired of eating your greens, try one of these substitutes for arugula to make your salad pop!

1. Frozen Spinach

Frozen spinach is an excellent substitute for arugula in salads. It has a similar taste and texture and is just as healthy. 

Plus, it’s easy to find and usually cheaper than arugula. Here are some tips for using frozen spinach in your salad; 

  • Thaw the spinach on the countertop before use. 
  • Suppose you add thawed spinach to a hot dish (like pasta). Before adding it, boil it for about one minute. 
  • Add extra seasoning or other ingredients (like lemon juice) after you’ve mixed the thawed spinach with other ingredients so they don’t get washed away.

2. Dandelion Greens

Dandelion greens are excellent substitutes for arugula because they have a similar bitterness. They’re also rich in vitamins A and C, making them a healthy option.

Nevertheless, to use dandelion greens in place of arugula, chop them up and add them to your salad. You can also use them in other recipes, like pesto or soup.

3. Radicchio

Radicchio is a slightly bitter leafy green often used in salads. It is deep red in color and has a crunchy texture. 

However, when choosing radicchio, look for leaves that are brightly colored and free of brown spots. Chopped into thin strips, add radicchio to your salad, along with your other greens.

4. Mâche

Which is known as corn salad or lamb’s lettuce. Mâche is a delicate green with a slightly nutty flavor. It’s often used in mesclun mixes but can stand alone in a salad. Look for it at farmers’ markets or specialty grocers.

Nevertheless, Mache will tolerate colder temperatures than arugula and isn’t usually grown during the hottest months of summer.

5. Belgian Endive

This leafy green has a similar texture to arugula but is slightly more bitter. Belgian endive is also a great source of vitamins K, C, and folate. To use it in a salad, chop it up and add it to the other greens.

6. Red Leaf Lettuce

A good substitute for arugula in salads is red-leaf lettuce. It has a similar flavor but is a bit milder. This type of lettuce is versatile and can be used in various dishes. Plus, it’s packed with nutrients like vitamins A and C.

7. Bok Choy

Bok choy, also known as Chinese cabbage, is a type of cabbage that is often used in Asian cuisine. It has a milder flavor than other types of cabbage, making it one of the good substitutes for arugula. 

However, Bok choy is high in vitamins A and C and is a good calcium source. You can use bok choy in salads, stir-fries, or soups.

8. Watercress

Arugula has a distinctively peppery flavor that some find too strong. Watercress is a good option if you’re looking for a more mild-tasting green.

It resembles arugula, with small, round leaves, but its flavor is much more subdued. Nevertheless, Watercress is rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy addition to any salad.

9. Radish Greens

Radish greens have a peppery flavor similar to arugula, making them a perfect substitute in salads. They are also rich in vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron. To use radish greens as substitutes for arugula, chop them up and add them to your salad.

10. Chicory

Chicory is a bitter green that’s often used as a coffee substitute. It has a slightly nutty flavor and can be used in arugula in salads. To use, chop or tear the leaves and add them to your salad. 

However, Chicory pairs well with other bitter greens, such as radicchio, fruits, and nuts. Try adding it to your next chopped kale salad for an extra punch of flavor!

11. Frisée

Frisée is a member of the chicory family with a slightly bitter, nutty flavor. It’s often used as a garnish or in salads with strong flavors to balance the dish. 

Therefore, if you’re looking for substitutes for arugula that will add flavor to your salad. A frisée is a good option.

12. Escarole

Escarole is a chicory family member and has a slightly bitter flavor. It’s often used in salads, soups, and stews. An escarole is a good option if you’re looking for substitutes for arugula. It has a similar texture and flavor but is not as pungent as arugula.

13. Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce is a great option if you’re looking for a leafy green similar to arugula in taste and texture. It has a slightly bitter flavor that pairs well with other salad ingredients. Its long, crisp leaves make it easy to eat. 

Plus, romaine lettuce is extremely versatile – it can be used in everything from wraps to salads to pasta dishes.

14. Purslane

This low-growing, succulent plant has a slightly sour taste and a crisp texture. This makes it perfect and counts among the substitutes for arugula in salads.

Purslane is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and C. So it’s a nutritious addition to any meal.

Here are some tips for using purslane in your salads:

  • Look for purslane at your local farmers’ market or grocery store.
  • Wash the leaves thoroughly and dry them before adding them to your salad.
  • Cut the leaves into bite-sized pieces or leave them whole if small enough.
  • Add purslane to your salad and other greens like spinach or lettuce.

15. Nasturtium Leaves

These peppery leaves are excellent substitutes for arugula in salads. Their slightly bitter taste will add some zing to your salad.

Plus, they’re rich in vitamins A and C. To use, substitute nasturtium leaves for arugula in any recipe.

16. Baby Kale

Baby kale is a great option if you’re looking for a more mild-tasting green to top your salad. It’s also packed with vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron. It’s versatile and can be used in various dishes beyond salads.

17. Basil

You can use either fresh or dried basil in this arugula substitute. Add fresh basil to your salad like arugula if you have fresh basil on hand.

Therefore, if you’re using dried basil, crush the leaves before adding them to the salad, so they’ll release their flavor. Either way, this is a great way to add extra flavor to your salad without using arugula.

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