Fasting Teas

Important Benefits of Fasting Teas

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Fasting has a lot of health benefits which we have published in our previous posts. There was a recent surge in the popularity of intermittent fasting because of its immense health benefits.

Fasting is not new to us, it dates back to centuries and it is a strong pillar in most religions and cultures. Fasting is simply abstinence from foods or drinks from a certain period of time.

There are different types of intermittent fasting, this makes it easy to choose the one convenient and easier for you. Fasting has many health benefits.

I will quickly brief you on the health benefits of fasting before giving you a list of wonderful teas that will aid these benefits and make fasting beneficial.

Health Benefits of Fasting

Controls the levels of sugar in the bloodstream

Fasting improves your blood sugar levels. This is beneficial to people struggling with diabetes.

Reduces inflammation

Acute inflammation is an immune response used to fight inflammation while chronic inflammation cripples your health. It is the trigger for the development of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Fasting thereby increase better health by reducing inflammation.

Improves heart health

Heart disease is one of the biggest killer diseases in the world today. It is responsible for about 31.5% of deaths worldwide. Picking up healthy diet and lifestyle is a major way to reduce your risk of heart disease.

Intermittent fasting also helps to improve your heart health. it reduces the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) by 25% and triglycerides by 32%. It also reduces blood pressure and reduces your risks of coronary artery disease.

Promotes the health of your brain

Fasting has a huge benefit on the brain. It improves both the structure and functions of your brain. It protects the brain and boosts the generation of nerve cells.

This will improve cognitive functions and prevent neurodegenerative diseases. Fasting guards against inflammation in the brain and prevents Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Boosts weight loss and increase metabolism

Fasting is common among dieters because of its potency in aiding weight loss. If done properly and combined with healthy eating, you will lose a few pounds in weeks.

Fasting boosts metabolism and increases your levels of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine that aids weight loss.

Boosts growth

Fasting boosts the production of the human growth hormone (HGH) which plays lots of important roles in your body. This hormone is involved in the weight loss, metabolism, muscle strength, and growth.

Fasting naturally increases the levels of HGH. Optimal levels of glucose and insulin also boosts healthy production of HGH. High levels of insulin lead to low levels of HGH.

Slows down aging

Fasting delays your biological clock and extends your lifespan. It delays aging, increases survival rate, and longevity.

Prevents cancer

Fasting helps prevent cancer by detoxing the body. It blocks the formation of tumors. In a study, cancer cells in test tubes were exposed to cycles of fasting and the result was as effective as chemotherapy.

They noticed delayed tumor growth.

Benefits of Fasting Teas

There are two main ways to use these teas while fasting. You can take these teas during a fast or when you want to break your fast. You can make most of these teas in the comfort of your home, you don’t have to spend money buying them.

These fasting teas boost the effectiveness of fasting. They promote metabolism and growth. They fight cancer and boost the levels of antioxidants in your body.

They protect your body against free radicals and expel them. They improve your mental health and your overall health. To get the best result, drink 3 to 4 cups of any of these teas each day when fasting.

Also, to get maximum impact, try and cold brew your teas. Cold brewed teas contain higher amount of antioxidants than steeped teas. The hot water used in steeping these teas destroys some of the antioxidants and catechins.

To cold brew your tea, steep the leaves in cold water for a long period of time. This should take 8 to 12 hours. Put a teaspoon of loose leaves of any herb of your choice in 8 ounces of water.

Drinking cold brew teas during fasting will increase the benefits of your fasts. It boosts your immune system, promotes your overall well-being, and boosts your immune system.

These teas will also boost hydration. Dehydration is not good for your health. Drinking teas also make your fasting easier. Dehydration will lead to headaches and other ailments.

Some of the best fasting teas are:

Green tea

This healthy elixir promotes weight loss. It is also available in the form of pills and it is common in the weight loss industry. You would maximize the benefits of this tea if you take it during fasting.

It increases energy and metabolism. It helps you burn fat and helps you lose weight faster. There is a huge amount of catechins in green tea and this helps to reduce your levels of hunger hormones.

This will reduce hunger and keep you feeling full during the fasts.

Turmeric tea

Turmeric is a powerful root herb. Its main medicinal compound, Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant. This detoxifies the body from free radicals and other harmful substances.

It improves your skin health and boosts your immune system. It relieves skin problems like itching, eczema, and so on. It also brightens your complexion naturally.

Moringa tea

Moringa Tea

Moringa is a powerful herb. It contains a bit of almost everything your body needs. It brings your body to its set point of balance and prevents nutritional deficiencies.

Moringa promotes mental health and controls weight gain. It nourishes your body and makes your skin glow. Moringa tea is a good way to improve the benefit of your fasts.

Mango tea

Mango tea

The leaves of mango are medicinal. They solve a wide range of health problems, from toothache to infertility. Mango leaves contain lots of important phytochemicals.

Mango, commonly known as the “king of fruits” has been used for centuries to cure a lot of ailments. We don’t have the fruits all year round but the leaves are always present.

Get some fresh leaves of mangoes and boil and drink. You can also cold brew the leaves. This will boost your antioxidant levels and improve your overall health.

Ginger tea

This powerful root herb should be added to your fasting protocol. It has positive impacts on your digestive system. It helps your body to breakdown and absorbs foods thus fighting nutritional deficiencies.

It prevents nausea and helps the process of thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is a natural process that helps the body burn fats. Ginger also reduces the feeling of hunger.

This will even help you stay committed to your fasting plan.

Hibiscus tea

For centuries, this flower has been well-used and honored for its vitality benefits. It gives a clear and glowing skin. It maintains youthfulness and gives you a healthy complexion.

It detoxifies the liver and does not have caffeine that can affect you when taken in excess. This refreshing tea is also filled with antioxidants.

Rooibos tea

This wonderful herbal tea is good to be taken in the evenings before going to bed. It is free from caffeine and has a lot of benefits for the liver.

This tea is wonderful for weight loss. It boosts metabolism and help your body to burn fat efficiently. It also prevents obesity by stopping the formation of fat cells.

Mint tea

Mint tea

This calms the stomach and improves digestion. It reduces inflammation and pain. It reduces bad breath and body odor. It relaxes your mind and boosts your immune system.

Black tea

Black tea is gotten from the same source of green tea. The only difference is that the leaves are allowed to oxidize for a long period of time. This, in turn, makes the leaves black and gives this herbal tea a bold flavor close to that of coffee.

Black tea contains an amino acid called L-theanine. It slows down the release of caffeine contained in this tea. This will lead to long lasting energy and also help increase focus.

This will complement the benefit of your fast.

Dandelion root tea

Dandelion root tea

This is a natural diuretic. This will aid the detoxification process of your liver. It balances your blood sugar and strengthens your immune system.

It relieves digestive problems and relieves heartburn.

These teas will help improve your overall health and also help you reach your health goals.

1 comment
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