Almost every lady loves to wear makeup. Not because they are not comfortable with their natural beauty, but because once in a while it’s OK to add a pop of colour to the skin.
Foundations are a base for every other makeup, and they’re arguably one of the most important makeup item if not the most important item you must have when it comes to your beauty routine.
In the market nowadays, there are so many options when it comes to makeup foundations. So it is quite complicated to figure out where to start when it comes to picking the right type of foundation for your face.
During your quest to discovering the right foundation for you, you must begin by exploring the options of foundations that exist.
So you would find hundreds and thousands of variations, but it is important that you are sure the one you finally pick suits you perfectly.
Sellers would always try to convince you to buy a particular type of foundation for different reasons that may sometimes be selfish, so you have to choose wisely.
This article was written specifically to expose you to the different types of foundations you can get and give you all the information that would help you pick the one that suits your needs.
1. Powder foundation

Whether you are a beginner or a pro when it comes to makeup, powder foundation is one that you would definitely know because it is the most basic and classic type of foundation available.
Total foundations are usually made and packaged conveniently so that you can use them on the go. if you’re someone with dry skin, then it is not advisable that you go for a powder foundation because of their specifically created for oily skin.
Powder foundations are supposed to help reduce the oil content of your face, so if you’re using them on dry skin, you would only be destroying your skin.
One other wonderful thing about powder foundation is that they have a lightweight appearance that gives you a more flawless and natural look. So if you’re not a fan of heavy makeup, this is a great choice for you as it serves as a great bass.
2. Liquid foundation

This type of foundation is one of the most famous in the beauty industry because it is very available and lightweight.
Liquid foundations are very easy to apply on the face, and even a learner can apply them smoothly without seeking any help.
Because its foundation comes in a liquid and oily form it becomes very easy for it to glide over your skin. With the liquid foundation, you are guaranteed to get great coverage on your skin as it also allows you to smooth out any patches that you might notice or have.
Very different liquid foundation options so you can consider your skin condition when you want to pick one. If you have dry skin, then an oil-based liquid foundation is very suitable for your skin type.
For people with oily skin or a mixed skin (that is a little bit oily and a little bit dry), you can go for a water-based liquid foundation.
3. Creamy foundation

This is one type of foundation that is thicker and heavier than the powder and liquid form or foundation. However, it lasts longer on the skin, so a lot of people would rather go for it.
Creamy foundations are made available in tube and compact forms, and they as well can act as concealers for you if you do not want to buy a concealer separately and foundation separately.
While a lot of people do not test their skin before going for creamy foundations, it is important that you bear in mind that this kind of foundations is usually best for people with an extra dry skin condition.
Cream foundations are created to provide the extra benefits of giving your skin a lovely shine and moisture.
4. Cake or stick foundation

The cake or stick foundation is one that comes in a solid form, has a lasting effect on your skin, and dries very quickly.
If you’re one of those people with dry skin, then I would advise that you do not go for this kind of foundation because it is best suited for individuals with oily skin. Cake or stick foundation helps to dry up excess oil and leaves your skin looking even and smooth.
If you have blemishes on your skin then with a cake on stick foundation there is absolutely nothing to worry about because they usually double up as a concealer.
Another information you would find very useful especially if you are a rookie when it comes to making up is that cake or stick foundation is one of the easiest types to apply to your skin.
If you’re one of those ladies who usually have to wake up early and hurry up to work, then this is the perfect foundation for you because it doesn’t take too much time to be applied.
5. Mineral foundation

This type of foundation is created from finely ground earthly minerals and is the perfect natural substitute for any other foundation type at it is suitable for every skin type.
The wonderful thing about mineral foundations is that you can get them in different options whether what you want is a creamy foundation a dry one or a wet one. I am a naturalista, and for that reason, the way I choose to look and feel good is by using a mineral foundation.
6. Spray foundation

Spray foundation is not a very popular option and tours a lot of people do not know about it. You can use a spray foundation on any skin type and at any time of the day, so it is a great touch up tool.
Most times we have to deal with our make-up fading or wearing off after a long day, but if you have a spray foundation, you can quickly fix things. This is a lasting effect to help keep your skin shiny all day.
7. Whipped foundation

This type of foundation is a creamy one, and it is applied as a thin layer on the skin. Whipped foundations are perfect for both dry or aging skin.
Now that all the knowledge required has been made available to you, you would become a guru at picking the perfect foundation in no time. If you have any further questions be sure to ask beauty experts and read reviews on different brands before you make a purchase.
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