Substitutes For Yogurt In Smoothies
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14 Best Substitutes for Yogurt in Smoothies

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There are many ways to add healthy foods to your diet, but smoothies are great because they’re easy and tasty too!

Smoothies not only make it easy to incorporate yogurt into your diet but there are also plenty of substitutes for yogurt in smoothies.

These can deliver the same rich nutrients without all the extra sugar, fats, and carbs found in traditional yogurt. 

Starting with your other components first can help you choose a yogurt replacement that works best for your preferred smoothie recipe.

Pick your favorite ingredients to start because a smoothie may contain practically anything you like.

Fresh strawberries, spinach, and ginger are just a few of our favorite appetizers. Anything goes in this case, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc. 

The distinct qualities of each of these ingredients will become more apparent once you begin combining them.

Therefore, if you combine a few of your favorite fruits and frozen berries, you might decide that your smoothie needs to be a little creamier.

Similarly, if you’ve already added some liquids, you might need to add extra thickening. Here’s a list of some great substitutes for yogurt in smoothies!

1. Fruit Juice

Sometimes you want to make a healthy smoothie but don’t have any yogurt. Fear not; there are plenty of substitutes for yogurt in smoothies that will make your smoothie taste great.

Not only that, but it will also add more nutritional value to it. The first common substitute for yogurt in smoothies is fruit juice.

This is so tasty that you’ll want to use it repeatedly. Other substitutes include kefir, kefir cheese, Greek yogurt, raw milk, or other dairy products like sour cream or crème Fraiche. Read on!

2. Cultured Milk Alternatives 

One of the most common substitutes for yogurt in smoothies is kefir. Kefir is a cultured milk product that originated in eastern Europe.

It’s a great substitute because it has more protein than yogurt and can be made with just milk, water, salt, and kefir culture. 

Some people like to make their own kefir at home by adding the culture to whole milk or goat’s milk with fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Another option is raw cow’s milk yogurt which can be used either as-is or strained through cheesecloth to remove the whey.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you could try coconut cream. This can be made by combining freshly shredded coconut meat with boiling water until it reaches a soup-like consistency.

3. Flax Seeds 

If you’re looking for substitutes for yogurt in smoothies that are healthy, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and have a creamy texture, flax seeds are the perfect substitutes.

Flax seeds are also high in protein and have no cholesterol or fat. To use them in a smoothie, grind them first before adding them to your ingredients.

You can also buy pre-grated flax seeds from stores like Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. This is if you don’t have time to buy them separately and grind them yourself.

4. Nut Butter

Nut butter is one of the delicious substitutes for yogurt in smoothies. It contains protein, healthy fat, and added benefits like vitamins. Plus, it’s less expensive than yogurt if you try to stick to a tight budget. 

5. Almond Butter

Almond butter is not left out of the great substitutes for yogurt in smoothies. It offers both protein (6 grams) and healthy fats (2 grams).

The fats also help keep you feeling full, so your body doesn’t go into starvation mode, which can cause overeating later on. 

6. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter too is on this list of the best substitutes for yogurt in smoothies. This is another good option, with 7 grams of protein per serving. 

There are still more substitutes for yogurt in smoothies coming up in this article. Don’t stop reading!

7. Banana 

If you are considering which substitutes for yogurt in smoothies to use, one of the best options is bananas.

Bananas are not only a delicious fruit to put in your smoothie, but they also offer some wonderful health benefits. Plus, bananas can help lower blood pressure, boost brain function and even help fight cancer. 

Moreso, bananas are rich in potassium, making them perfect for people with heart disease or high blood pressure.

This fruit is also full of fiber, so it will help keep you feeling fuller longer, which can help you lose weight.

Additionally, the milk from the banana will give your smoothie that creamy texture that many people crave when drinking their morning breakfast drink. 

So, if you have yogurt in your refrigerator, try using bananas instead! They are cheap, healthy, and delicious! What more can you want from substitutes for yogurt in smoothies that bananas don’t offer?!

8. Sweet Potato Coconut Milk

Many people use yogurt in their smoothies, but it can be expensive or difficult to find. Luckily, many substitutes for yogurt in smoothies provide the same creamy texture without all of the hassles.

You can easily swap out yogurt for any of these ingredients: Coconut milk, almond milk, cow’s milk, soy milk, rice milk, or oat milk! 

All these dairy alternatives work well in your favorite recipes as they have their own beneficial nutrients and benefits.

For example, if you’re looking for a dairy-free drink, then opting for one of the dairy-free milk listed above is a great option – such as coconut milk which is rich in healthy fats!

9. Frozen Fruit 

If you’re looking for an easy, healthy way to get more fruit in your diet, try adding frozen fruit to your smoothie.

Frozen fruit can be substituted as a yogurt replacement in most smoothies. Plus, they work well with bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, or peaches. 

Furthermore, frozen fruits also have a natural sweetness. This will help balance out the tangy flavor of some substitutes for yogurt in smoothies, like soy milk.

For example, if you’re making a strawberry banana smoothie with soy milk as the yogurt substitute, you’ll want to add honey or sugar to sweeten the flavor.

10. Avocado 

Avocado is likewise one of the great substitutes for yogurt in smoothies because it has a similar consistency to yogurt. Yet, it does not have the same taste or texture. 

It’s also packed with healthy fats and nutrients like potassium, vitamin E, folate, vitamin B6, magnesium, and zinc.

Avocados are often used as a substitute for mayonnaise in sandwiches but can also be used to make delicious vegan desserts!

11. Protein Powders 

Protein powders are common substitutes for yogurt in smoothies. You can usually find them at any health food store.

Whey protein is the most popular type of protein powder, but there are many other options to choose from, such as soy protein or vegan protein. 

The best thing about using a protein powder in your smoothie is that you can get more nutrients with fewer calories. As an added bonus, whey proteins are often fortified with extra vitamins.

12. Chia Seeds 

Talking about the best substitutes for yogurt in smoothies, Chia seeds are included. They have a similar consistency to yogurt and provide protein, calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber.

Plus, they’re easy to use. All you need to do is soak them in water or juice before adding them to your recipe!

13. Non-Dairy Yogurt 

If you’re trying to avoid dairy, you should go for good substitutes for yogurt in smoothies, one of which is non-dairy yogurt.

This option can be made from coconut milk, soy, or almond milk. Non-dairy yogurt substitutes also have the added benefit of not containing high levels of lactose as traditional yogurt does. As a result, they are easier on the digestive system.

The only downside with this substitute is that it’s not quite as thick or creamy as regular yogurt in smoothies.

However, there are some ways to make it more similar to traditional yogurt without compromising its benefits. You can add chia or flax seeds to your blender to help thicken your mixture.

14. Coconut Cream

This is one of my favorite substitutes for yogurt in smoothies because it has a light coconut flavor.

Plus, at 8 grams per serving, it contains more protein than many other substitutes with just 4 grams of fat.

This classic smoothie recipe utilizes coconut cream as the substitute for yogurt, making it dairy-free. 

What’s more? The cream is blended with bananas, mangoes, honey, vanilla extract, and ice cubes to make a thick shake that tastes very much like the real thing.

You can also use other fruit flavors in place of the mangoes if desired. As a bonus, you’ll get some healthy fats from the coconut milk in your smoothies!

Here’s what you’ll need to make it: canned or fresh coconut milk (the more fat content available, the better), banana, frozen or fresh mango chunks (or other fruit), honey or sugar to taste (optional), vanilla extract and ice cubes. This ends our list of substitutes for yogurt in smoothies!


Whether you want to eat healthier or save money on groceries, smoothies are one of the easiest ways to get your body’s nutrients without paying premium prices at the store.

And if you’re looking to cut down on yogurt consumption, smoothies offer an alternative way to get your daily dairy fix without adding calories from cream, sugar, and artificial flavorings.

This list of substitutes for yogurt in smoothies will help you make delicious, wholesome, and nutritious smoothies with ingredients you already have at home!

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